Weather Observations

Directions:  Record your weather observations using the following questions  as a guide.

PATHFINDERS:  Observe on one date.

TRAILBLAZERS:  Observe on at least 2 days.  Compare the days in your responses.

ADVENTURERS:  Observe the weather over 4-5 days.  Compare the days in your responses.


        1. Clouds: if there are clouds, are they puffy like cotton? Are they white, gray or very dark?



        2. Sun: Is it a completely blue sky, is it partly cloudy or is it completely cloudy?



        3. Wind: Is it blowing strong or as a gentle breeze or is there no wind?



        4. Temperature: Record the temperature if you have access to a thermometer.  

Would you say it is hot, warm, cool, or cold?



        5. Humidity: does the air feel damp or dry?



        6. Animals: Do you see any animals that are affected by the weather? (For example, birds that are taking shelter in the shade or lizards sunning on rocks to warm up)



        7. Plants: How are the plants affected by the weather? (For example, are the leaves drooping, wilted, or burned because it's hot or do they look healthy? Is wind blowing through the trees?)