Bug Tracking

Download a worksheet for this activity here.



* Gather a few supplies, such as a notebook, a pencil, ruler, and a magnifying glass (optional).

* Find a bug to follow.

* Be patient and quiet, so you don't scare the bug away.

* Follow the bug as it moves.

* You can use the magnifying glass. to get a closer look at the bug.

* Find answers to your questions by observing, doing research in books, online, or by talking to someone.


* Have fun and enjoy learning about the bug you are following!


Here are some questions:


  1. What kind of bug is it?


  2. Describe what the bug looks like.


  3. What color is it?


  4. What size is it?


  5. Where does the bug live?


  6. What does the bug eat?


  7. How does the bug move?


  8. Where did the bug go while you were following it?


  9. Does this kind of bug make any sounds? If not, what's another way it communicates?


  10. Draw this bug below including any details you observed.