a finnish raam racer      Kari Rouvinen

The personality of this site is passionate about what is going to be done. Sometimes you can even spill a little over the crowd. In recent years, Karin's hobby has been road cycling, and from there it has become ultra-cycling.  

Currently, ultra rides as self support, Race Around Poland (RAP) and it seems that one of the toughest road bike races in the world is really in Kari's mind - the race is called  Race Across America (RAAM).

Kari has been involved in RAAM 2015, 2016, 2019 and 2022 but has not yet reached the finish line at Annapolis. 

When Kari go to the world, he is always dressing the Suomi jersey, where blue and white are colors.

2012 USA (America by bicycle -event) 

Los Angeles (Costa Mesa) - Savannah 

27 vrk 4800 km (two resting days)

2013 Euroopa riding

Gibraltar - Norja (the Arctic Sea)

31 vrk 5300 km (three resting days) 

2015, 2016, 2019 and 2022 RAAM -race, Oceanside - Annapolis

2022 Before Durango, DNF    

2019 Pratt 6 days 2500 km DNF

2016 Mississippi 9 days 12 h 3400 km DNF

2015 Before Flagstaff, rookie DNF

2014 RAAM qualifying race, Denmark Melfar 24h / 640km 

Contact :  kari.rouvinen@gmail.com

                   +358 40  939 78 44