Is Vaping Safe As Compared To Cigarette Smoking

The practice of vaping is becoming pretty much common in people. You may see few people in the crowd blowing white clouds out of their mouths. Although vaping has been around for several years, the current trend of high consumption has risen to this level since only a few years back.

Now, you may wonder why vaping is this much popular and that is it safe for your health.


Vaping is a practice of inhaling vapor from a small cylinder which is filled with flavors and chemicals. A small heating instrument installed in this cylinder converts liquid into vapors which are inhaled.

Vaping is commonly considered as a healthy alternate to traditional tobacco-based cigarettes. As a matter of fact, the tobacco smokers are now encouraged to vape as a mean to get rid of addiction to nicotine.

How safe the vaping is

If you expect vaping as a safer practice as compared to cigarettes and you really enjoy the mist smoke coming out of it, you may find it disappointing that vaping is not actually a safer alternate at all.

All of the e-cigarettes contain nicotine which is the same addictive material found in the cigarettes. So, stopping vaping will make you get caught by the same side effects which appear as a result of quitting tobacco based cigarettes. Moreover, vaping can result in serious kinds of health problems which occur as a result of smoking. This is probably the biggest reason vaping is quite harmful for the pregnant women.

Many people who vape think that vapor is safer as compared to smoke. The matter of fact is that both vapor and cigarettes smoke contain carcinogenic chemicals. You may know how dangerous the second hand cigarettes smoke is. Vapor from e-cigarette is known for being harmful for room’s atmosphere in the same way as smoke generated due to cigarette smoking. Exposure to vapors can result in serious health disorders in children.

What’s more alarming is that the trend of e-cigarette is increasing in the younger population which mainly consists of teenagers. According to FDA, nicotine is quite harmful for the young people as it can hamper the growth of their brains.

Connection between vaping and oral cancer

Oral cancer is on the rise in US. By now, oral cancer is known as a reason for ten thousand deaths per year. So, you need to get checked for a few symptoms on regular basis if you vape. Those symptoms are:

  • Sores in the mouth and on the lips
  • Patches of red and white color on the mouth
  • Persistent sore throat
  • Swelling and numbness on lips and mouth

If you see these symptoms, you need to visit your dentist or health physician on immediate basis.