Intelligent Robotics Laboratory

School of Intelligent Mechatronics Engineering, Sejong University

Soft Robotics

Intelligent Robotics Laboratory

Intelligent Robotics Laboratory (IRLab) is interested in developing novel artificial intelligence technologies and robots. 

IRLab is focusing on robots related to human and pursuing to develop pioneering technologies that can impact our real life. 


[VIDEO-Net,  Prof. Kang's Ph.D. works, 2019]

[Exo-Glove Poly,  Prof. Kang's Ph.D. works, 2019]

Over 35M  Views on Facebook (Feb. 2022)

[Gripper,  Prof. Kang's Ph.D. works, 2016]

If you are interested in studying for M.S. or Ph.D. degree in robotics (or mechatronics) fields, contact Prof. Brian B. Kang.   

로보틱스 (또는 메트로닉스) 분야에서 학부 연구생, 대학원(석사 또는 박사) 공부를 원하는 분은 강병현 교수에게 연락하세요.  


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