The Veneto Region HUB is about the universal call through the following selected endeavours, as proposed by the International Federation for Family Development:

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the UN’s blueprint for a more sustainable future for all. Their adoption put environmental degradation, sustainability, climate change, and water security under the international spotlight. The global goals aim to leave no one behind.


The need of connecting people through new technologies should be also included to ensure social inclusion, to bridge the digital gap via training of older persons, professional carers and families in vulnerable situations.


Organization of campaigns to promote healthy habits and lifestyles, especially those targeted to prevent mental disorders and to meet the needs of older persons, setting the necessary structure to stimulate innovation and intergenerational relations in hospitals as well as medical attention of visitors and tourists.


Plan to facilitate access to housing for families in vulnerable situations, including youth, persons with disabilities and older persons; develop smart intergenerational living arrangements with shared services, efficient energy- saving, flexible buildings and care provisions.


Establish specific programs to recognize the value of unpaid work and care, and address the needs of families in vulnerable situations, including single-parent families, large families, migrant families, etc.

Venice Declaration_.pdf

In the Innovation HUB "SDG11" organisations in education, research, practice and government in Rotterdam and the Veneto region setting up projects together in achieving innovation on behalf of the selected endeavours of SDG 11.

What to do:

  • Bild this Innovation HUB SDG11 April 2021 - June 2021

  • Present on ENSA European Network of Social Authorities Webinar and Elisan General Assembly April 15.

  • Defining goals for the innovation HUB SDG 11

  • Searching for partners in education - research and practice

  • Connecting university in Veneto region

  • Setting up a project for the minor Beyond Borders September 2021

  • Start in September 2021 with the first project in the minor Beyond Borders

  • Setting up other projects / innovation LABS in the Veneto region