Best Paper Award, Insu Kim, "A Case Study of Calculating the Short-circuit Current of High-capacity Power Electronics-based Distributed Energy Resources and Loads," 24th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Hwabaek International Convention Center, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea, October 31-November 3, 2021.

Seung-Wan Son, Dong-hyeon Lee, Insu Kim, "Fault analysis of the IEEE 14-bus test system according to distributed generation and transformer windings," 52nd KIEE Summer Conference 2021, Yongpyeong Resort, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do, South Korea, July 14-17, 2021, "분산전원의 위치와 변압기 결선에  따른 고장해석" in Korean. Korea Western Power Company Award (한국서부발전 사장상 in Korean).

Haesung Jo, Beopsoo Kim, Insu Kim, "Impedance matrix-based power grid network reduction method for the efficient power-flow calculation," 52nd KIEE Summer Conference 2021, Yongpyeong Resort, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do, South Korea, July 14-17, 2021, "전력계통의 효율적인 조류해석 계산을 위한 임피던스 행렬 기반의 전력망 축소 기법" in Korean. Excellence Prize, Best Paper Award (우수상 in Korean). 

Beopsoo Kim, Nikita Rusetskii, Konstantin Shusterzon, Denis Sidorov, Insu Kim, "The optimal operation of energy storage systems with distributed generators by using the data-based prediction method," 52nd KIEE Summer Conference 2021, Yongpyeong Resort, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do, South Korea, July 14-17, 2021, "데이터 기반의 예측을 통한 분산전원 연계 ESS 최적 운영방안" in Korean. Excellence Prize, Best Paper Award for Graduate Students (우수상,  대학원생 우수논문 포스터세션 우수논문 in Korean).

Dong-Hyeon Lee, Seung-Wan Son, Insu Kim, "A study on the optimal allocation of distributed generation with Volt/Var control function," 52nd KIEE Summer Conference 2021, Yongpyeong Resort, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do, South Korea, July 14-17, 2021, "Volt Var 제어를 포함한 분산전원의 최적할당에 관한 연구" in Korean. Encouragement Prize, Best Paper Award for Graduate Students (장려상,  대학원생 우수논문 포스터세션 우수논문 in Korean).

[1] Bronze medal paper, Donghyeon Lee, Seungwan Son, and Insu Kim, "Optimal Allocation of Distributed Generation with the Volt/Var Control Capability Using Particle Swarm Optimization," 2020 IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest, December 12, 2020, held online.

[2] Bronze medal paper, Beopsoo Kim, Nikita Rusetskii, and Insu Kim, "The Optimal Operation of Energy Storage System with Distributed Generators by Using Data-based Prediction Method," 2020 IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest, December 12, 2020, held online.

[3] Bronze medal paper, Seungwan Son, Donghyeon Lee, and Insu Kim, "Optimal size and placement of distributed generation with normalized costs, fault currents, and the particle swarm optimization method," 2020 IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest, December 12, 2020, held online.

[4] Bronze medal paper, Jaemin Park, Haesung Jo, and Insu Kim, "The selection of the most cost-efficient distributed generation in the combined heat and power system for residential customers by using HOMER software," 2020 IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest, December 12, 2020, held online.

Encouragement Award, Dohun Kim, Youngmin Yoo, Hongmyung Choi, Jaemin Park, and Insu Kim, "Optimal location and capacity selection algorithm of renewable energy for system optimization," 51th 2020 KIEE Summer Conference, Bexco, Busan, South Korea, July 15-17, 2020, "계통의 최적화를 위한 신재생에너지의 최적 위치와 용량 선정 알고리즘" in Korean.

Bronze Student Paper Award, Dohun Kim, Insu Kim, "The Newton-Raphson method for optimization of distributed generation resources," 2019 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo Asia-PacificSeogwipo-si, South Korea, May 8-11, 2019.

인하대 에너지 클라우드 가상물리시스템 설계 및 최적 운영 기술 개발 과제 기념 촬영 (원동준, 김광기교수님 연구실 과 함께, 8/30/2019

Team Inha, Development of Operation, Verification and Diagnosis Technologies for CPS Based Open Platform , 8/30/2019

대한전기학회 스마트 에너지 경진대회 동상, 최홍명, 김도훈, 유영민, 김인수, "최적화를 위한 신재생에너지의 최적 위치와 용량에 대한 규칙, " 대한전기학회 하계학술대회, 2019년 7월 11일

2019 KIEE Smart Energy Challenge, Bronze Model, Hongmyoung Choi, Dohun Kim, Youngmin Yu, Insu Kim, "The optimization of the location and capacity of renewable energy resources," 2019 KIEE Summer Conference, July 11, 2019

Dohun Kim and Insu Kim, "The Newton-Raphson method for optimization of distributed generation resources," 2019 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and EXPO Asia-Pacific, International Convention Center, Jeju Island, Korea, May 10, 2019.

Insu Kim, "Dynamic simulation of a large power system with high-capacity photovoltaic systems able to control reactive power" 2019 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and EXPO Asia-Pacific, International Convention Center, Jeju Island, Korea, May 10, 2019.

대한전기학회 하계학술대회 우수논문 산업통상자원부 장관 표창, 김인수, "분산전원이 연계된 송배전 전력시스템의 고장전류계산기법에 관한 연구", 2018년 12월 14일.

2018 KIEE Summer Conference Excellence Paper Award, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy of South Korea, Insu Kim, "A study on the short-circuit analysis method of a power system enhanced by distributed generation," December 14, 2018.

(Bronze medal paper) Beopsoo Kim, Jongseo Moon, and Insu Kim, "Algorithms of building bus impedance matrices and case studies of calculating short-circuit current, " 2018 IEEE Student Paper Contest, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea, November 24, 2018.

2018년 IEEE 영어 논문 경진대회 동상, 김법수, 문종서, 김인수, IEEE 서울 분과, 홍익대학교, 서울, 대한민국, 2018년 11월 24일.

Bronze medal with Beopsu Kim and Jongseo Moon, 2018 Student Contest on Power Systems Engineering Software, KIEE Power Systems Engineering Subcommittee, Kimdaejung Convention Center, Kwangju, South Korea, November 2, 2018, in Korean. 

2018년 전력소프트웨어 경진대회 동상, 김법수, 문종서, 김인수, 2018년 대한전기학회 전력기술부문회 추계학술대회, 김대중컨벤션센터, 광주, 대한민국, 2018년 11월 2일.

Our intelligent power grid lab (in the School of Electrical Engineering at Inha University) focuses on the following research topics:

1. Developing an algorithm that optimizes the operation of various transmission and distribution systems, including conventional power systems, renewable energy resources, and combined heat and power systems 

    a. Algorithms for optimizing the reliability of systems.

    b. Dispatch algorithms for optimizing power generation units.

    c. Dispatch algorithms for optimizing combined heat and power systems.

2. Developing an algorithm that analyzes a power grid when active and reactive power is optimally controlled.

    a. Steady-state and transient analysis algorithms

3. Developing an algorithm that analyzes power flow, short circuit, protection, and harmonics.

Please see the papers and projects for the detailed information. If you are interested in the projects or a paid research assistantship, please send your resume or CV to Dr. Insu Kim (insu@inha.ac.kr).

인하대학교 전기공학과 지능형 전력망 연구실은 다음의 연구를 진행하고 있습니다.

1. 다양한 송배전 전력시스템의 효율적 운용과 최적화 알고리즘

    a. 신뢰도 최적화 알고리즘

    b. 전력생산 유닛의 최적화 운전 알고리즘

    c. 열병합 발전 시스템의 최적화 운전 알고리즘

2. 유효전력과 무효전력의 공급을 통한 전력시스템의 최적화 운영

    a. 정상상태 및 과도 상태 해석 알고리즘

3. 전력시스템의 고장 해석, 조류 해석, 보호협조 및 고조파 해석 알고리즘의 개발

보다 자세한 프로젝트의 설명은 지금 까지 출판된 페이퍼와 프로젝트 메뉴를 참조하시기 바랍니다. 유급 연구조교, 석박사 및 학부생 연구 인턴에 관심이 있으면 insu@inha.ac.kr 로 이력서 혹은 연구실적을 보내주세요.