Hendrik De Bie

I am a full professor working in mathematics and mathematical physics at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at Ghent University. As such, I am heading the Clifford Research Group.

On this website you can find some information about my research and about the classes I teach. 

I can be contacted via my institutional email account formed as Firstname.Lastname@UGent.be. I also have a twitter profile.


I teach the following courses at Ghent University:


Some current research topics include:

I have completed the supervision of 13 PhD students (see here for the genealogy) and I am currently supervising 5 PhD students.


Most of my publications can be found on this arxiv link. Ghent University also has an institutional repository, where all my published papers can be found.

I also have a google scholar profile. Citations to papers of mathematicians are usually low compared to other sciences, and are not a good quality indicator. The website mathcitations.github.io lists the highest cited mathematicians worldwide per graduation year, based on citation data of October 2018 from Mathscinet (the official database of the American Mathematical Society).

Here are some of my most important papers. Note that authors in mathematics are listed in alphabetical order. The American Mathematical Society has issued a professional statement about this, which you can consult here.


I am president of the Faculty Doctoral Committee of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture.

Previously I was Head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis, which I successfully merged with the Department of Electronics and Information Systems.

Short CV

I completed 2 Master degrees and graduated both with greatest distinction:

I then obtained a PhD in Mathematics in 2008 supported through a research fellowship of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO - Vlaanderen). (2005-2008)

I subsequently was a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), which included a 6 month stay at University of Oregon (visiting Yuan Xu) and a 6 month stay at University of Amsterdam (visiting Jasper Stokman and Eric Opdam). (2009-2011)
