Reza Nabavian MD

Reza Nabavian MD
4th Ring Road, in Block 3A, Kuwait City, Kuwait
Kuwait City Plastic Surgeon

Welcome to the world of cosmetic enhancements and care, led by Reza Nabavian MD, a highly skilled and board-certified plastic surgeon in Kuwait City. With a passion for helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals, Dr. Nabavian combines his expertise with advanced techniques to deliver exceptional results.

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Reza Nabavian is dedicated to providing personalized care and tailored solutions to his patients. With years of experience, he has garnered a reputation for his artistic approach, attention to detail, and commitment to excellence.

Whether you are considering a breast enhancement procedure, facial rejuvenation, body contouring, or reconstructive surgery, Dr. Nabavian and his team offer a comprehensive range of services to address your unique needs. From surgical procedures to non-surgical options, they provide a holistic approach to help you look and feel your best.

With a warm and friendly demeanor, Dr. Nabavian ensures that every patient feels comfortable and well-informed throughout their journey. His dedication to patient satisfaction and safety is evident in the exceptional results he achieves.

Discover the world of cosmetic enhancements and exceptional care with Reza Nabavian MD, the board-certified plastic surgeon in Kuwait City.

Key Takeaways:

About Reza Nabavian MD

Get to know Reza Nabavian MD, a highly qualified and trusted plastic surgeon based in Kuwait City. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals, Dr. Reza Nabavian brings extensive experience to the field of plastic surgery.

Dr. Nabavian completed his medical degree at the world-renowned Stanford University School of Medicine. He then went on to complete a prestigious residency and fellowship training in plastic and reconstructive surgery. His dedication to staying at the forefront of his field has led him to participate in numerous advanced training programs and conferences.

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Nabavian has acquired specialized skills and techniques that enable him to deliver exceptional results to his patients. He strives to provide personalized care, understanding that every patient has unique needs and desires.

With a focus on patient safety and natural-looking outcomes, Dr. Nabavian offers a wide range of cosmetic procedures including breast enhancement, facial rejuvenation, body contouring, and reconstructive surgery. He also provides non-surgical options such as injectables and skin rejuvenation treatments.

Dr. Nabavian's dedication to his patients extends beyond the operating room. He believes in the importance of thorough pre and post-operative care to ensure optimal results and a smooth recovery process.

When choosing Dr. Reza Nabavian as your plastic surgeon, you can trust that you are in the hands of a skilled professional who prioritizes your comfort, safety, and satisfaction. Schedule a consultation today to start your journey towards enhanced beauty and self-confidence.

Plastic Surgery Services in Kuwait City

At Reza Nabavian MD, we are proud to offer a comprehensive range of plastic surgery services in Kuwait City, catering to various cosmetic enhancement needs. Driven by our commitment to providing exceptional care and delivering natural-looking results, our team of experts is dedicated to helping patients achieve their desired aesthetic goals.

Personalized Consultations and Customized Treatment Plans

When you choose Reza Nabavian MD, you can expect a personalized approach to your plastic surgery journey. We believe that each patient is unique, with individual goals and concerns. During your initial consultation, our experienced team will take the time to understand your desires and expectations, as well as evaluate your medical history and anatomical factors. Based on this comprehensive assessment, we will develop a customized treatment plan tailored specifically to you.

A Wide Range of Cosmetic Procedures

Our plastic surgery services encompass a diverse range of procedures, designed to address various areas of the face, body, and breasts. Whether you are interested in enhancing your breasts, rejuvenating your facial appearance, or sculpting your body, we offer solutions that are safe, effective, and performed with the utmost precision.



Breast Augmentation

Enhances breast size and shape using implants or fat transfer.

Breast Lift

Raises and reshapes sagging breasts for a more youthful contour.

Breast Reduction

Reduces breast size and alleviates associated discomfort.


Addresses signs of aging in the face and neck for a rejuvenated appearance.


Reshapes the nose to enhance facial harmony and improve breathing.


Removes excess fat and sculpts specific areas of the body.

Tummy Tuck

Creates a smoother, firmer abdominal contour by removing excess skin and fat.

State-of-the-Art Facilities and Advanced Techniques

At Reza Nabavian MD, we are committed to utilizing the latest technology and advanced techniques in plastic surgery. Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with cutting-edge tools, ensuring that our patients receive the highest standard of care. Dr. Reza Nabavian, a board-certified plastic surgeon, stays at the forefront of innovations in the field, continuously enhancing his skills to deliver superior results.

Compassionate Care and Supportive Environment

We understand that undergoing plastic surgery can be a deeply personal and transformative experience. That is why we strive to create a compassionate and supportive environment for our patients. From the moment you enter our clinic to your final follow-up appointment, you can expect professional, attentive care that prioritizes your comfort and satisfaction.

Experience the exceptional plastic surgery services offered by Reza Nabavian MD in Kuwait City. Contact us today to schedule your confidential consultation and begin your journey towards enhanced self-confidence and natural beauty.

Breast Enhancement Procedures

At Reza Nabavian MD's practice, we offer a range of breast enhancement procedures to help women achieve their desired aesthetic goals. Whether you are looking to increase the size of your breasts, lift sagging breasts, or reduce their size, our experienced team is dedicated to delivering safe and natural-looking results.

Breast Augmentation

Our breast augmentation procedure involves the placement of saline or silicone implants to enhance the size and shape of your breasts. With a personalized approach, we will work closely with you to determine the ideal implant type, size, and incision technique that best suits your body and desired outcome. Our goal is to create a harmonious balance between your natural proportions and your desired breast size.

Breast Lift

If you are experiencing sagging or drooping breasts due to factors such as aging, pregnancy, or weight loss, our breast lift procedure can help restore a more youthful and lifted appearance. During the surgery, excess skin is removed, the breasts are reshaped, and the nipple-areola complex is repositioned to a higher position. The result is a firmer and more aesthetically pleasing breast contour.

Breast Reduction

For women who are dealing with the physical discomfort and emotional impact of overly large breasts, our breast reduction procedure can provide relief. Through the removal of excess breast tissue and skin, we can reduce the size of your breasts, alleviate back and shoulder pain, and improve your overall body proportions. Our team will tailor the procedure to address your specific needs and desired outcome.

"Our breast enhancement procedures are designed to help women feel more confident, comfortable, and empowered in their bodies. We prioritize patient safety and satisfaction, using the latest surgical techniques to achieve natural-looking results that enhance both appearance and self-esteem."

During your initial consultation with Reza Nabavian MD, we will conduct a thorough evaluation of your medical history, discuss your goals, and provide personalized recommendations for the most suitable breast enhancement procedure for you. We are committed to providing compassionate care and guiding you through every step of your transformative journey.


Key Benefits

Breast Augmentation

Breast Lift

Breast Reduction

Facial Rejuvenation Treatments

At Reza Nabavian MD's practice, we offer a variety of facial rejuvenation treatments designed to help you achieve a youthful and vibrant appearance. Whether you're looking to reduce wrinkles, improve skin texture, or enhance specific facial features, our experienced team is committed to providing the highest quality care.

Fighting the Signs of Aging

As we age, our skin loses elasticity and volume, resulting in wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging. Our facial rejuvenation treatments are designed to address these common signs of aging and restore a more youthful, refreshed look.

One of the most popular options we offer is the facelift, a surgical procedure that tightens the skin on the face and neck, resulting in a smoother and more lifted appearance. This procedure can effectively reduce wrinkles, eliminate jowls, and redefine the jawline.

In addition to surgical options, we also provide non-surgical alternatives such as Botox and dermal fillers. Botox is a neurotoxin that temporarily relaxes the muscles responsible for facial wrinkles, while dermal fillers help restore lost volume and fill in fine lines.

Enhancing Facial Features

At our practice, we understand that everyone has unique facial features they want to enhance. That's why we offer procedures such as rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, to help patients achieve their desired look. Whether you're looking to refine the shape of your nose or improve its function, our skilled surgeons can create natural-looking results.

Customized Treatment Plans

We believe in a personalized approach to facial rejuvenation. During your consultation, our team will thoroughly assess your needs and goals to create a customized treatment plan tailored to you. We will take into account your facial anatomy, skin condition, and desired outcome to ensure the best possible results.

With our advanced techniques and state-of-the-art facilities, you can trust Reza Nabavian MD for safe and effective facial rejuvenation treatments. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a more youthful and vibrant appearance.




A surgical procedure that tightens the skin on the face and neck, reducing wrinkles and rejuvenating the overall appearance.


A non-surgical treatment that temporarily relaxes facial muscles, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Dermal Fillers

Injectable substances that restore lost volume, plump up the skin, and fill in wrinkles and fine lines.


A surgical procedure that reshapes the nose to improve its appearance and/or function.

Body Contouring Procedures

At the practice of Reza Nabavian MD in Kuwait City, we offer a range of body contouring procedures to help you achieve a more sculpted physique. Whether you're looking to eliminate stubborn fat, tighten loose skin, or reshape your body, our expert team is here to assist you. Our body contouring procedures are safe, effective, and tailored to your individual needs and goals.


One of the most popular body contouring procedures we provide is liposuction. With liposuction, we can target specific areas of excess fat that are resistant to diet and exercise, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, and arms. Using advanced techniques, we remove the unwanted fat cells, helping you achieve a more contoured and proportional body shape.

Tummy Tuck

For individuals looking to flatten and tighten their abdominal area, a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, may be the ideal solution. This procedure removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen, tightens the underlying muscles, and creates a firmer, more toned midsection. Whether you've experienced changes due to pregnancy, weight loss, or aging, a tummy tuck can help restore a smooth, youthful appearance to your abdomen.

Body Lift

If you've recently lost a significant amount of weight or are dealing with sagging skin due to aging, a body lift might be the right choice for you. A body lift targets multiple areas, including the abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks, to remove excess skin and improve overall body contour. By combining liposuction with skin removal and tightening, a body lift can provide transformative results, giving you a more youthful and streamlined physique.

"Our body contouring procedures are designed to help you achieve your desired body shape and boost your confidence. By using advanced techniques and personalized treatment plans, we can help you attain a sculpted, toned physique that reflects the hard work and dedication you've put into maintaining a healthy lifestyle."

Our body contouring procedures are performed by Dr. Reza Nabavian, a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience and expertise. Dr. Nabavian takes the time to understand your goals and expectations, tailoring the treatment to suit your unique needs. With his skilled hands and eye for aesthetics, you can trust that you're in good hands throughout your body contouring journey.





Removal of excess fat deposits to improve body shape and proportions.

- Targeted fat reduction

- Improved body contour

- Boost in self-confidence

Tummy Tuck

Removal of excess skin and fat from the abdomen, along with muscle tightening.

- Flatter and firmer abdomen

- Enhanced waistline definition

- Improved body confidence

Body Lift

Removal of excess skin and fat from multiple areas of the body to improve overall contour.

- Tightened and sculpted body

- Elimination of sagging skin

- Restored self-esteem

Whether your goal is to achieve a more defined waistline, a flatter abdomen, or a smoother silhouette, our body contouring procedures can help you achieve the results you desire. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Reza Nabavian and explore your options for body transformation.

Mommy Makeover

Are you a new mother looking to restore your pre-pregnancy body? Look no further than Reza Nabavian MD's mommy makeover procedure. Designed specifically for women who want to address the physical changes brought on by pregnancy and childbirth, the mommy makeover combines multiple procedures to help you regain your confidence and achieve your desired look.

The mommy makeover is a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. It typically includes a combination of procedures such as breast augmentation or lift, tummy tuck, liposuction, and sometimes even non-surgical treatments like CoolSculpting or laser skin rejuvenation.

When opting for a mommy makeover, it's important to choose a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon like Reza Nabavian MD, who understands the specific challenges mothers face and can provide personalized recommendations. Dr. Nabavian will work closely with you to create a treatment plan that addresses your concerns, whether it's sagging breasts, excess abdominal skin, stubborn fat pockets, or a combination of these issues.

Undergoing a mommy makeover can have a transformative impact on both your physical appearance and your self-confidence. By addressing multiple concerns in one comprehensive procedure, you can save time and achieve the results you desire without needing separate surgeries.

As with any surgical procedure, it's crucial to have realistic expectations and understand the recovery process. Dr. Nabavian will guide you through every step, providing detailed pre and post-operative care instructions to ensure a smooth and comfortable experience.

Reza Nabavian MD's mommy makeover is the perfect solution for mothers who want to reclaim their youthful silhouette and feel their best after pregnancy. Don't let the effects of childbirth hold you back. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how a mommy makeover can help you achieve your desired transformation.

Male Plastic Surgery

At Reza Nabavian MD's practice in Kuwait City, we understand that cosmetic concerns are not exclusive to women. That's why we offer a range of specialized plastic surgery treatments designed specifically for men. Whether you're looking to address gynecomastia or rejuvenate your facial appearance, our experienced team is here to help.

Gynecomastia Treatment

Gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts, can be a source of self-consciousness and discomfort for many men. Our gynecomastia treatment options can help you achieve a more masculine chest contour. Through surgical techniques such as liposuction and tissue excision, we can effectively reduce excess breast tissue and create a more toned and defined chest.

Facial Rejuvenation for Men

Facial rejuvenation procedures are not just for women. Men can also benefit from treatments aimed at reducing signs of aging and enhancing their facial features. Reza Nabavian MD offers a range of options tailored specifically to men, including facelifts, rhinoplasty, and non-surgical treatments like Botox and dermal fillers. These procedures can help restore a youthful and refreshed appearance, boosting your confidence and overall well-being.

The Benefits of Male Plastic Surgery

"Male plastic surgery can have a transformative effect on a man's self-esteem and quality of life. Whether it's achieving a more chiseled physique or addressing signs of aging, these procedures can help men look and feel their best." - Reza Nabavian MD

Under the expert guidance of Reza Nabavian MD, male patients can benefit from the same level of skill, artistry, and care that has made his practice a trusted name in plastic surgery. By understanding the unique aesthetic goals and concerns of men, he can tailor treatments to deliver natural-looking results that enhance masculinity and improve self-confidence.

Male Plastic Surgery Procedures

Below is a list of some of the specialized plastic surgery procedures available for men at Reza Nabavian MD's practice:



Gynecomastia Treatment

Reduces excess breast tissue and creates a more masculine chest contour.


Addresses signs of facial aging, such as sagging skin and deep wrinkles.


Reshapes the nose to improve its size and proportion in relation to the face.

Botox and Dermal Fillers

Non-surgical options for reducing wrinkles and adding volume to the face.

These are just a few examples of the comprehensive range of male plastic surgery procedures available at Reza Nabavian MD's practice. Whether you're seeking body contouring, facial rejuvenation, or other cosmetic enhancements, our team is dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals with natural-looking results.

Contact Reza Nabavian MD today to schedule a consultation and discover the possibilities of male plastic surgery. Take the first step toward enhancing your appearance and boosting your confidence.

Non-Surgical Options

At Reza Nabavian MD's practice in Kuwait City, we understand that not all individuals seeking cosmetic enhancements are ready for or interested in surgical procedures. That's why we offer a range of non-surgical options that can effectively address various aesthetic concerns. Whether you're looking to refresh your appearance, reduce the signs of aging, or enhance specific features, our non-surgical treatments can help you achieve your desired results.


Injectables are a popular non-surgical option for rejuvenating the face and reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. We offer a variety of injectable treatments, including Botox and dermal fillers. Botox is a neurotoxin that temporarily relaxes the muscles responsible for wrinkle formation, while dermal fillers add volume to areas that have lost elasticity and fullness over time. These treatments can provide subtle yet noticeable improvements without the need for surgery.

Laser Treatments

Laser treatments are another non-surgical option that can address various skin concerns. We offer laser resurfacing to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of acne scars, sun damage, and uneven pigmentation. Laser hair removal is also available for those looking for a long-term solution to unwanted hair. Our advanced laser technology allows for precise and effective treatments with minimal downtime.

Skin Rejuvenation Procedures

In addition to injectables and laser treatments, we provide various skin rejuvenation procedures to help improve overall skin quality and appearance. These may include chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and microneedling. These treatments can target specific skin concerns such as acne, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin tone, resulting in a brighter and more youthful complexion.

Reza Nabavian MD offers a range of non-surgical options to help you achieve your aesthetic goals without the need for surgery. These treatments are performed with precision and expertise, ensuring natural-looking results that enhance your unique beauty. Consult with Dr. Nabavian to determine the most suitable non-surgical treatment plan for your individual needs.

Reconstructive Surgery

Reconstructive surgery is a specialized field of plastic surgery that focuses on restoring form and function to the body after injuries, accidents, or medical conditions. At Reza Nabavian MD's practice in Kuwait City, we offer a comprehensive range of reconstructive surgery services to help patients regain their confidence and improve their quality of life.

Our team of highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeons, led by Dr. Reza Nabavian, is dedicated to providing exceptional care and personalized treatment plans for each patient. We understand the physical and emotional impact that injuries or medical conditions can have, and we strive to deliver the best possible outcomes through reconstructive surgery.

Whether you have experienced trauma from an accident, undergone a mastectomy, or need reconstruction after a congenital anomaly, our reconstructive surgery options can help restore your appearance and functionality. Some of the common reconstructive procedures we offer include:

Our approach to reconstructive surgery goes beyond technical expertise. We prioritize open communication, compassion, and personalized patient care throughout the entire treatment process. Our goal is to help you achieve the best possible results and regain your sense of self and well-being.

If you are considering reconstructive surgery, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Reza Nabavian. He will thoroughly evaluate your specific needs, discuss your goals, and create a tailored treatment plan to meet your unique requirements. With our expertise and dedication, we are committed to helping you restore your form and function, enabling you to live life to the fullest.

Pre and Post-Operative Care

When undergoing any surgical procedure, it is essential to prioritize pre and post-operative care to ensure optimal results and a smooth recovery. At Reza Nabavian MD's practice in Kuwait City, we provide comprehensive care before and after your plastic surgery journey. Our dedicated team is committed to supporting you every step of the way, ensuring your comfort, safety, and satisfaction.

Pre-Operative Care

Before your surgery, Dr. Reza Nabavian will conduct a thorough examination and consultation to understand your specific needs and goals. He will provide detailed instructions to prepare you for the procedure. This may include pre-operative tests, adjustments to medications, and lifestyle recommendations to optimize your health and minimize risk factors.

Additionally, we believe in the power of education. Our team will provide you with clear and comprehensive information about your surgery, ensuring you have a complete understanding of what to expect, the surgical techniques involved, and any potential risks or complications.

Post-Operative Care

Following your plastic surgery, our priority is to facilitate a smooth and comfortable recovery. Dr. Nabavian and our experienced team will provide personalized post-operative care instructions tailored to your specific procedure. These instructions may include:

We understand that the recovery period can be a vulnerable time for patients. Our team is here to provide continuous support, answer any questions or concerns you may have, and guide you towards a successful recovery.

Dr. Reza Nabavian believes that the quality of pre and post-operative care significantly impacts a patient's surgical outcome. By prioritizing patient education, close monitoring, and individualized care plans, we strive to provide the best possible experience for our patients.


Reza Nabavian MD, a distinguished board-certified plastic surgeon in Kuwait City, is dedicated to providing advanced cosmetic enhancements and exceptional care for his patients. With his extensive qualifications and expertise, Dr. Nabavian is a trusted professional in the field of plastic surgery.

At his practice, patients can access a comprehensive range of plastic surgery services tailored to their specific needs. From breast enhancement procedures like augmentation, lift, and reduction, to facial rejuvenation treatments including facelifts, rhinoplasty, and non-surgical options like Botox and dermal fillers, Dr. Nabavian offers a wide array of transformative options.

In addition, body contouring procedures such as liposuction, tummy tucks, and body lifts are available to help individuals achieve their desired physique. Dr. Nabavian also specializes in mommy makeovers, catering to women who wish to restore their pre-pregnancy bodies. Furthermore, his practice offers specialized male plastic surgery treatments and a range of non-surgical options, including injectables, laser treatments, and skin rejuvenation procedures.

With a focus on holistic care, Dr. Nabavian also provides reconstructive surgery services to help patients restore form and function after injuries or medical conditions. Throughout the process, patients can expect comprehensive pre and post-operative care, ensuring optimal results and a smooth recovery.


What is the background and expertise of Reza Nabavian MD?

Reza Nabavian MD is a board-certified plastic surgeon located in Kuwait City, Kuwait. He has extensive qualifications and expertise in the field of plastic surgery.

What plastic surgery services are offered by Reza Nabavian MD in Kuwait City?

Reza Nabavian MD provides a comprehensive range of plastic surgery services in Kuwait City, catering to various cosmetic enhancement needs.

What breast enhancement procedures are available at Reza Nabavian MD's practice?

At Reza Nabavian MD's practice, patients can explore different breast enhancement procedures such as breast augmentation, breast lift, and breast reduction.

What facial rejuvenation treatments are offered by Reza Nabavian MD?

Reza Nabavian MD offers various facial rejuvenation treatments, including facelift, rhinoplasty, and non-surgical options like Botox and dermal fillers.

What body contouring procedures are provided by Reza Nabavian MD?

Reza Nabavian MD offers body contouring procedures such as liposuction, tummy tuck, and body lift, to help patients achieve a more sculpted physique.

What is a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover is a customized combination of plastic surgery procedures aimed at restoring a woman's pre-pregnancy body. Reza Nabavian MD provides mommy makeovers.

Are there specialized plastic surgery treatments available for men at Reza Nabavian MD's practice?

Yes, Reza Nabavian MD offers specialized plastic surgery treatments for men, addressing concerns such as gynecomastia and facial rejuvenation.

Does Reza Nabavian MD offer non-surgical cosmetic options?

Yes, Reza Nabavian MD provides non-surgical cosmetic options, including injectables, laser treatments, and skin rejuvenation procedures.

Does Reza Nabavian MD offer reconstructive surgery services?

Yes, Reza Nabavian MD provides reconstructive surgery services to help patients restore form and function after injuries or medical conditions.

What pre and post-operative care does Reza Nabavian MD provide?

Reza Nabavian MD offers comprehensive pre and post-operative care to ensure optimal results and a smooth recovery for patients.