
H.C. Haze

I am H.C. Haze. I enjoy all kinds of visual entertainments such as films, anime, comics, and video games. I have fond childhood memories where I drew illustrations of the characters I saw in cartoon shows and wished that one day I could create my own stories filled with the unique characters that had been roaming inside my imagination. I am aiming to fulfill that dream, and to spread joy with my work. My current work is Pumpkin Witch Nana graphic novel.

Digital eBook graphic novels available at:

Pumpkin Witch Nana

Young siblings Danny and Wendy lived an ordinary life in a ranch left by their parents. One day, following a mysterious white rabbit, they found themselves in a totally different world. A world filled with monsters, ghosts, and undead--as if Halloween comes true. With no way back, there was only one person they could rely upon, and that person was a witch. She called herself, Pumpkin Witch Nana. And as an exchange for her help, the witch had only one request... and that is to repay her debt?

Pumpkin Witch Nana is a Comedy Action graphic novel full of lighthearted humor and heart-pumping action.

Pumpkin Witch Nana Gallery

My Other Work

Team Neon Gaiden

A comedy action fan manga of a popular video game that I did a long time ago. It was a project to help me learn how to write manga. The story follows Spade and his Team Neon joining the Turf War Game for the first time as a rookie team. While working their way up the rank, they discovered an evil scheme plotted by the Octorians...

< Read it FREE by clicking on Spade.