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The Guide to Holiday Candy

Easter is upon us, and many people love to hunt for Easter eggs first thing in the morning, however, there is some concern for this reason. For starters, there is a ton of junk food out there, and marketing Easter candy is a huge business these days, and it doesn’t make it any easier for children who might have oral health issues. You might want to speak to your dentist, and they will tell you how bad candy is for a child. You might think that having candy once is good, but it does alter taste buds, and it makes us crave bad foods for the next few weeks and months. It’s a way that develops habits in a child that goes on for the rest of their life.

Sugary and refined carb candies do change the structures of the mouth in children’s faces and even their airways. It even causes dental issues such as cavities, and it becomes even worse as you get to adulthood. You might wonder if this is going to hold you back from Easter functions, but it doesn’t have to. However, there are a few things that you can do after you have some Easter candy to keep your teeth healthy. You don’t have to sacrifice fun during the holidays, but don’t instill bad habits into yourself because of said holidays.

There are a few things that you can do to help prevent cavities when you’re eating them. The first, is to drink water with your candy. The water will neutralize the acids that are created with bacteria. After you eat these candies, you should swish with water as well afterwards. This will shake any of the sticky candy that is stuck in between your teeth. If you have candy stuck there, bacteria will feast upon this, excreting any acid all day long until your brush and floss the chunks of this out. By then though, it’s eating at your teeth, and it’s definitely not good.

Now, you should make sure that if you’re going to eat candy, you don’t spread it out over multiple days and weeks. For starters, this is definitely a way to create the habit of eating sugar all the time, and it causes the body to be loaded with simple carbs. You should eat a lot all at once instead of having it over the period of two to three days or weeks. If you do that, you’re exposing your teeth to a ton of acid, and you should do it for as little as possible, especially if you’re worried about your oral health.

Finally, you should wait to brush and floss. Do it at least thirty minutes to an hour, depending on the amount of water that you’ve had. If you do want to do it sooner, you should have a lot of water to help neutralize it. remember that while enamel is strong, it wears away with acid, and if you brush with that acid in your mouth, it will actually cause more enamel to wear away because of this.

If you’re looking for any good candies, the ones that you should avoid are the sticky ones, the gummy ones, and the ones that take all day to eat. For starters, it takes much longer for you to finish it, which exposes it to the bacteria. Along with that, it will stick to the teeth and get it stuck there. You also have a lot of acids in all of these.

The best ones to have are dark chocolate, candy bars with nuts, and baked goods with coconut sugar and fruit sweetener. Dark chocolate is good for you actually, and it is much higher quality. Nuts will break up the sticky candy and biofilm, and baked goods are good in terms of low sugar.

By talking to your Roseburg dentist, you’ll be able to prevent your child from having too many of the bad sweets, and having much more of the good ones. When you’re looking to shop for a child during this time of the year, keep this in mind. If you love to indulge in candy, definitely do so as well.

By talking to your Roseburg dentist, you’ll be able to prevent your child from having too many of the bad sweets, and having much more of the good ones. When you’re looking to shop for a child during this time of the year, keep this in mind. If you love to indulge in candy, definitely do so as well.

Types of Filling to Consider For Treating Cavities

If your dentist diagnoses a cavity in your mouth, you are among 3 million people who get cavities in USA. In other words, you are not alone. A survey suggests that about 90% of the adults have cavities in any stage of their lives. So, if you are told that you have a cavity, you will wonder about the options to deal with that cavity.

There are different options available to treat the cavities. And each option depends upon the severity of the case. If your cavity has been diagnosed in early stage, your dentist will want to clean the decayed part and fill the tooth affected by cavity.

Dental filling procedure

The procedure starts with the administering of local anesthesia on order to numb the tooth and its surrounding area. The dentist will then use special appliance to isolate the tooth to prevent any contamination from reaching other teeth. The decayed portion of the tooth is then removed with the help of special tools.

After the decayed portion is removed, a filling will be prepared by the dentist. The tooth is prepared for filling by proper cleaning in order to remove any bacteria from the area. The filling is applied and shaped. And then a special light is used to harden the filling material. In the end, the dentist will check your bite to make sure that the newly applied filling is not causing any interruption in the biting process.

Types of filling

The types of filling basically differ based on the materials used in the making of filling. Major types are worth mentioning in this regard.

  • Dental amalgam is the most famous type of dental filling used to fill cavities. This filling is based on the materials such as mercury, tin, zinc, copper and silver. These fillings are durable and long lasting. However, the type of materials used in the making of this filling makes it having dark color. This is the reason that some people may prefer having tooth-colored filling. There has been a debate over the safety of dental amalgam due to the mercury content. However, ADA insists that the amount of mercury used in the filling is not something which can be considered bothersome.

  • Gold filling is another option that you can consider if you want to get your cavities treated and filled. It is the most durable and long lasting option that you can consider. However, the major disadvantage of this option is its cost which is understandably quite higher.

  • Another dental filling option is the use of composite. It mainly consists of powered glass and acrylic resin. The best thing about this dental filling is that it can be colored to make a proper match with your teeth’s color. However, this filling is not as durable as metal fillings.