Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District's

Classified Professionals Week

May 16 to May 20, 2022

A five-day celebration of and investment in GCCCD Classified

Day 1



Day 2


Professional Development Sessions

Day 3


Professional Development Sessions

Day 4


Professional Development Sessions

Day 5


Classified Allies Panel, Desk Yoga, and Classified Community Engagement

The goal of this event is to identify and highlight GCCCD Classified Professionals' ability to push through challenging times and circumstances, while also learning effective practices for self-care, and reserving some time for play.

Listen to our playlist!

We asked you: What was the most valuable aspect of Classified Professionals Week?

A chance to focus on professional development and self-care while engaging with colleagues on a more personal level.

Attending the meetings and learning new things and interacting with everyone.

Being able to engage across the district.

Classified Professionals were acknowledged and professional development and engagement was offered.

Engaging with other Classified

Engaging with other staff members and people outside my office and also meeting people and putting their face with their name. It's been a long time since we've been able to see anyone or do anything away from our work.

Getting to connect with others and rebuild our GCCCD community

Getting to meet colleagues face to face and I hope this aspect is increased in future events

Getting together with the new NEW people and the old NEW people in their changed areas.

Having speakers that were catered towards the constituency, even if it means it is more general (many workshops cater towards instructional/faculty/in the classroom).

Having the trauma session.

Helped in dealing with what is going on now.

I learned more about the professional development/retirement section of our contract. Also, the lack of trust and feeling of a safe space affects the employee's mental/emotional state and the need to rebuild trust with the college/district.

I liked the format of this week, but was unable to break away from the deadlines & workload at my desk in order to attend the sessions. I really wanted to attend the Trauma Informed and Know your Contract!

I loved the check in that you had on campus, seeing classified people - staff was a highlight for me.

I loved the multiple sessions offered three times during the week at different times allowing for the most accommodation to everyone's schedule.

I valued the acknowledgement of Classified Professionals and all that you offered us that week.

It was all good! Thank you all for your hard work!

Its flexibility to be able to attend all the workshops

Meeting new people, seeing old friends, the games were fun, I appreciated the snacks throughout the week, the guest speakers were great

Seeing people I haven't gotten to see in literal years.

Socializing with other staff in a relaxed way at the meal

The camaraderie.

The comradery building

The contract info and the panel discussion.

The cookies from VP Robinson

The opportunity to connect with other classified employees, in person or via Zoom.

The Trauma-informed care was really great. We need to start taking care of ourselves so that we can do our job and help our students. I liked that sense of self-reliance and the idea that we have to look after one another. I felt so much positivity this week from that session. I also really appreciated that the sessions were offered on multiple days at different times. It allowed more of us to participate.

Unfortunately for me the best part was getting together for lunch and games. Such a good time!

We are able to network IN PERSON!!