Gabriele Lagani

PhD Student in Computer Science • University of Pisa • Italy
In collaboration with ISTI-CNR, Pisa.


PhD student in Computer Science at University of Pisa, with a Master Degree in Computer Engineering. My research interests involve biologically plausible deep learning and spiking neural networks, with applications to computer vision.

My CV: link

Projects & Repos

  • GitHub repo on Hebbian learning, and a preliminary version of my neurolab package, a Pytorch-based framework for deep learning experiments.

  • SpikingGrid repo on GitHub: a biologically realistic simulator of neuronal cultures stimulated by Multi-Electrode Array (MEA) devices, that I developed as part of a larger project, in collaboration with neuroscience colleagues, aimed at using biological neuronal cultures for AI tasks. The simulated culture was applied on digit recognition tasks.

More on my GitHub profile.


Check my Google Scholar profile.