Business information and statistics

Some key business tools you might find useful are:

Business Source Complete is the industry's most used business research database, providing full text for more than 2,300 journals, including peer-reviewed titles, trade publications, market reports and country information. 

Fully searchable database containing detailed information on public and private companies in the UK and Ireland.

Extensive global coverage of industries with 4000 industry profiles and 30,000+ companies within 215 countries. 

Mintel Academic provides consumer and market intelligence in five areas: Beauty, food, drink, technology and a general retail overview. 

Statista offers over 1.5 million statistics from 18,000 sources. It includes market data, industry reports, forecasts, opinion polls and infographics. All the source data is clearly marked and available, and the data can be downloaded in a variety of formats for use in your work. 

Someone holding a phone