East European Cup 2017

A versenysorozat a junior C - től junior A korosztályig tervezett. A végső értékelésbe csak azok eredményei számítanak bele, akik legalább három versenyen részt vettek. Az 5 legjobb eredményt vesszük figyelembe, akkor is, ha a versenyző mindegyik versenyen indult.

The races are planned from Junior C to Junior A. Seniors excluded ! We consider only those for the final result, who were at least at 3 events and we take into account the 5 best results-even if someone participated in all the events.

This year's awarding of the category Junior C will be done as follows. In Szeged, Ostrava, Veseli and Tatabánya​ junior C 12 and 13 year olds will be considered together. As the 12 and 13 year olds will start separately in Wörgl and Gera, only the 13 year olds will be awarded for these races.

We will discuss again the awarding of the jun C ca​t​egory for next season.

Prizemoney will be awarded as follows