Be Yourself

I know everyone is DIFFERENT but I was someone who never really talked to people or was never really my true self either.

I was once shy to Be MYself

When I was in elementary and middle school I was not all my self. I was someone who cared what people though of me. So I would do things to please people so that I felt like I was apart of them. But in reality out side of school and when they didn't need me I was useless to them and you are to if you do what I did. The thing I would ask you to stop doing is letting other people control your life. ITS YOUR LIFE!

Trying to Find MYself

It might take you some time and you can find who you are by going out and doing stuff find new hobbies, take up new things. Do things you wouldn't usually do.

Being MYself

After you start being yourself you start to enjoy the life you live and find people that will support you because they are just like you and you got them to be your friends by being yourself.

Appreciate Who you are!

You should love being yourself because you have always been that person you just been hiding your true self from everyone even yourself. Now that you know who you are why not show yourself off to the world forget what others thing the true ones who support you will be at your side.