

Dutch Blood Bowl Association (DBBA): Blood Bowl Nederland
De Dutch Blood Bowl Association* heeft als doel de bekendheid en beschikbaarheid van Blood Bowl in Nederland te vergroten. Daarmee richt de association zich op het laten groeien van de Nederlandse Blood Bowl community. Dit doet de association door alle beschikbare informatie van Nederlandse Blood Bowl organisaties, competities en toernooien op één centrale (online) plek te verzamelen en van hieruit te delen met de doelgroep.

Scroll verder voor alle bij ons bekende informatie

Heb je informatie voor ons?
Ben jij zelf een organisator of heb je informatie over een Blood Bowl organisatie, competitie, toernooi of anders? Meld het ons via het contact formulier en wij plaatsen de informatie zo spoedig mogelijk op de website.

Vraag ons via het contact formulier om de DBBA Discord en blijf op de hoogte van Blood Bowl en alle varianten in heel Nederland.

*De DBBA is een neutraal platform met als enig belang het vergroten van Blood Bowl in Nederland.


Dutch Blood Bowl Association (DBBA): Blood Bowl, the Netherlands
The Dutch Blood Bowl Association* aims to increase the awareness and availability of Blood Bowl in the Netherlands. In doing so, the association focuses on growing the Dutch Blood Bowl community. The association does this by collecting all available information of Dutch Blood Bowl organizations, leagues and tournaments in one central (online) place and from there share it with the target group.

Scroll on for all the information we know

Do you have information for us?
Are you an organizer or do you have information about a Blood Bowl organization, league, tournament or other? Report it to us via the contact form and we will put the information on the website as soon as possible.

Request us for the DBBA Discord via the contact form and stay up to date on Blood Bowl and all its variants nationwide.

*The DBBA is a neutral platform with the sole interest of growing the game of Blood Bowl in the Netherlands.

ABBA - Amsterdam
Amsterdam Blood Bowl Association Playing Blood Bowl among many other games under the hood of 6Shooters.

Website: 6Shooters

B.U.B.B.L.E. - Utrecht
Best Utrechtian Blood Bowl League Ever.

Website: B.U.B.B.L.E. 

Dutch Open
The Dutch Open is both the Dutch championship and an open tournament. Only Dutch players are eligible for the Dutch championship. 

Website: Dutch Open 

LBBL - Leiden
The LBBL has been hosting Blood Bowl games since 2020  and welcomes anyone who wants to play Blood Bowl Sevens! The LBBL organizes a yearly league and two tournaments. New coaches are welcome to join!

Website: LBBL
Tourplay: LBBL
Instagram: LBBL
Twitter: LBBL
Facebook: LBBL

MadHobbit League - Amersfoort
Tabletop Blood Bowl League based in Amersfoort. Organizers of the Amersfoort Amok, Madhobbit Massacre. 

Twitter: MadHobbit

Website: t.b.a.

Quickbowl - The Hague
Coaches in The Hague playing a league together!

Website: t.b.a.
Tourplay: Quickbowl: Winter of Violence
Contact: oskar223215[at] 

R.O.F.F.A. - Rotterdam
Rotterdam Official Fantasy Football Association.

Website: R.O.F.F.A.
Tourplay: R.O.F.F.A.
Facebook: R.O.F.F.A.
Contact: r.o.f.f.a.league[at]

Rotterdam White Scars - Rotterdam
The Rotterdam Tabletop Wargaming Community. Playing Blood Bowl among many other games.

Website: Rotterdam White Scars
Tourplay: Rotterdam White Scars
Facebook: Rotterdam White Scars
Youtube: Rotterdam White Scars 

BBLOCK - Leiden
The Blood Bowl League Of Crossed Keys is a tabletop Blood Bowl League based in Leiden. Also organisers of the Ramstel Cup.

Twitter: BBLOCK 

BBBL - Brabant (Den Bosch)
The Bosche Blood Bowl League a tabletop Blood Bowl League based in Den Bosch.

Contact: smorchkovoleh[at]

Bloodstorm NL - Utrecht
Bloodstorm NL organizes tabletop wargaming events in the Netherlands.

Website: Bloodstorm NL
