
Conference on Excellence Improvement for Doctoral Students


科技部為營造友善研究環境,鼓勵大專院校引導博士人才發揮潛能,給予博士人才全方位自我提升之支持,特訂定「科技部 108 年度補助博士卓越提升試辦方案」,針對獲得 20 名博士生獎學金的學校,對應提出「博士卓越提升計畫」,由校方提供博士生各項培育技能及提升專業素養的系列課程或交流活動,科技部擇優給予部分補助。

科技部經參酌其他國家案例 (英、美、日等),關於上開計畫之執行內容,須涵蓋養成博士生具專業研究素養、團隊統合能力、創新研發、國際視野及跨領域整合等技能,爰擬邀請國外頂尖大學專家學者與國內大專院校進行博士人才培育及職涯發展路徑專題演講與經驗交流分享,不僅讓國內大學院校掌握國際間發展之趨勢,並期盼透過本計畫以培育學術研究、產業研發或創新創業之卓越人才。




人數預計 200 名。


時間:2020 年 1 月 16 日(四)09:30-16:00


臺北市中山南路 20 號(捷運中正紀念堂站 6 號出口 )


9:30-10:00 報到


10:00-10:10 開幕致詞


10:10-11:10 專題演講(一)

講者:Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko

(Dean, Graduate College, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

講題:The Future of the PhD at the Research University

Keynote Speech (I)

11:10-11:30 休息


11:30-12:30 專題演講(二)

講者:Karina Prasad

(Head, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, University of Cambridge)

講題:Post PhD – How Universities Can Better Support Their PhD Students and Graduates

Keynote Speech (II)

12:30-13:30 午餐


13:30-14:30 專題演講(三)

講者:Randall Nadeau

(Executive Director, Foundation for Scholarly Exchange)

講題:Trends in US–Taiwan Higher Education

Keynote Speech (III)

14:30-14:50 休息


14:50-15:50 綜合座談

Panel Discussion

15:50-16:00 閉幕致詞

Closing Remarks





Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko

Dean, Graduate College, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

Wojtek Chodzko‑Zajko earned a bachelor’s degree in Education from the University of London and a Ph.D. degree in Kinesiology from Purdue University. Chodzko-Zajko’s primary research interests are in the area of aging and health. He is the Shahid and Ann Carlson Khan Endowed Professor of Applied Health Sciences and Dean of the Graduate College at the University of Illinois.

In his role as Dean of the Graduate College, Chodzko-Zajko leads campus efforts in setting policies, defining standards, and enabling excellence in graduate programs, graduate research, and graduate student life. With graduate programs in more than 100 disciplinary areas, the Graduate College at the University of Illinois fosters a vibrant campus community of scholars. Graduate students and faculty at Illinois enjoy an intellectual environment that reaches across the Arts, Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Engineering to create, challenge, and transform knowledge.

In his professional life, Chodzko‑Zajko remains active in the dissemination of information about healthy aging through his work on several major professional advisory boards. He served on the World Health Organization committee that developed the WHO Guidelines for Physical Activity among Older Persons. Chodzko-Zajko was the Principal Investigator for a series of projects charged with developing a national strategy for promoting healthy aging in the USA. The National Blueprint: Increasing Physical Activity among Adults Age 50 and Older serves as a guide for multiple organizations, associations, and agencies, to inform and support their planning work related to increasing physical activity among America's aging population. Chodzko-Zajko chaired the writing group that authored the American College of Sports Medicine’s Position Stand on Physical Activity and Exercise for Older Adults. He currently serves on the Executive Committee of the AAU Association of Graduate Schools and on the Board of Directors of the GRE.

Chodzko-Zajko was the founding Editor of the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity from 1992-2002. He served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the American Council on Exercise and is a Past-President of the American Kinesiology Association.

The Future of the PhD at the Research University

In this presentation, Chodzko-Zajko will argue that excellence in graduate education in all disciplines is a prerequisite for achieving the goals of a global research university. Recruiting and retaining the best and brightest graduate students to work alongside outstanding faculty and staff is essential if universities are to realize their mission of enhancing the lives of people across the nation, and around the world.

To attract outstanding students, who reflect the diversity of the world, universities must develop sustainable funding models for graduate education, fair and transparent admissions processes; and clearly defined goals and processes related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. In today’s rapidly changing higher education landscape, graduate programs must adapt to meet the needs of students and society. This can be achieved in a number of ways: by supporting departments in the development of self-supporting professional graduate degrees; through the development of new online degrees and certificates; and by preparing students for a wide variety of career options.

Throughout this presentation Dean Chodzko-Zajko will provide examples of how these issues are being addressed at research institutions across the United States. He will also draw parallels between efforts common in the USA when compared with those of international institutions.


Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko,倫敦大學(University of London)教育學士,普渡大學(Purdue University)運動學博士,其主要研究領域為老化與健康,現為Khan夫婦(Shahid and Ann Carlson Khan)贊助之伊利諾大學(University of Illinois)應用健康科學講座教授,並擔任該校研究生學院(Graduate College)院長。

Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko 於研究生學院院長任內推動多項措施,包括制定政策、確立標準,以及優化研究生之學程、研究工作與學生生活。伊利諾大學擁有百餘門研究生學程,研究生學院因而在校內建構活躍的學者社群,令該校研究生與教職員得以徜徉於智慧之海,陶醉於優質學風之中,範圍遍及藝術、科學、人文、社會科學與工程,其啟動了知識的創造,發起知識的挑戰,並帶動知識的轉化。

專業職涯方面,Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko 曾服務於多處知名專家顧問委員會,始終致力於傳播健康老化的相關知識。Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko 曾加入世界衛生組織 (World Health Organization)委員會,協助制訂〈WHO 老年人身體活動指南〉。Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko 於美國一系列健康方案中擔任計畫主持人,負責訂定宣導健康老化的全國性策略。〈國家藍圖:增加 50 歲以上長者之身體活動〉可供許多組織、協會和機構作為指導方針,協助有關增加美國老年人身體活動之規劃工作。Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko 為美國運動醫學會(American College of Sports Medicine)寫作小組主持人,撰寫發表〈關於老年人身體活動與運動之立場聲明〉。Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko 現服務於美國大學協會(Association of American Universities,AAU)研究生學院執行委員會及 GRE 董事會。

Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko 為《老化與身體活動期刊》1992 年至 2002 年之創刊編輯,他曾擔任美國運動委員會(American Council on Exercise)董事長,也是美國運動學協會(American Kinesiology Association)卸任理事長。


Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko 本次講題主旨為,大學如欲實現全球研究型大學之目標,必須將優化所有學門的研究生教育視為前提。若是大學盼望達成提升全國、甚至全世界人類福祉的使命,則招募與留用最優秀出色的研究生,讓研究生能與一流的教職員合作研究,實為大學至關緊要的優先工作。


Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko 將於演講中舉美國各研究機構為例,說明上述議題的因應辦法,亦會將美國和他國研究機構的實施方式作一比較。



Karina Prasad

Head, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, University of Cambridge

Karina has spent more than 20 years as a senior project manager for the Charity and Higher education sectors both in the USA and UK. These included a leading national Children’s charity in the US and Age Concern (Now AgeUK) here in the UK.

Following a number of years working with graduate matters and programmes related to clinical academics, Karina is now the Head of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPdA), at the University of Cambridge. Previously Karina spent eight years at the University’s Clinical School of Medicine where she set up and ran the Clinical Academic Training Office.

Karina is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Art, a Professional By-Fellow at Churchill College, Cambridge and holds positions on numerous Cambridge University committees including human resources, researcher development, entrepreneurship and leadership development, volunteering, and equality and diversity matters related to gender. Karina also engages widely with national and international organisations related to early career research staff.

Karina holds a first degree in Political Science.

Post PhD – How Universities Can Better Support Their PhD Students and Graduates

This session will provide a brief history of UK PhD growth over the last two decades, its key national drivers and the impact on institutions and academic job prospects. This session will look at how the UK developed a national agenda to support the development of novel programmes (Doctoral training programmes and Clinical Academic Pathways) aimed at preparing graduate students for careers in academia and beyond, with an overall aim of equipping students with expanded skill sets, encouraging comprehensive career planning (including best use of novel skills), independent thought including novel research ideas and develop a market for enterprise and innovation amongst its graduate community.


Karina Prasad 於慈善事業與高等教育領域,已累積20 年以上資深專案經理資歷,足跡遍及英美兩地,包括美國一所主流的兒童慈善機構,以及英國的老年關懷中心 Age Concern (現名 Age UK)。

Karina Prasad 多年來投入臨床學術相關的研究生事務和學程工作,現為劍橋大學 (University of Cambridge) 博士後事務處 (Office of Postdoctoral Affairs,OPdA) 處長。此前 Karina Prasad 曾於劍橋大學創立臨床醫學學院,並有 8 年時間服務於該學院,並經營該學院之臨床學術訓練辦公室。

Karina Prasad 為皇家文藝學會 (Royal Society of Art) 會士、劍橋大學邱吉爾學院名譽院士,且擔任劍橋大學多個委員會職務,包括人資、研發、創業與領導發展、志願服務、以及性別與多樣性相關事務。Karina Prasad 亦與有關青年學術研究人員之全國和國際組織多有往來。

Karina Prasad 具備政治學學士學位(first degree)。


Karina Prasad 將於本次演講簡介英國博士後研究近 20 年來的發展歷程、國內關鍵的推動因素、及其對機構和學術工作前景的影響。演講將述及英國如何制定全國性的方案大綱,以支援開設全新課程(博士班訓練課程與臨床學術銜接課程),其旨在培育研究生具備學術等領域的職涯能力,其中的整體目標在於協助學生習得廣泛的技能組合、鼓勵學生投入多元的職涯規劃 (包括運用新技能)、擁有獨立思考能力 (包括嶄新的研究想法)、以及為研究生社群開發創業和創新市場。



Randall Nadeau(那原道)

Executive Director, Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)

Randall Nadeau has served as Executive Director of the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange since August of this year, after a 25-year career as a department and program chair at Trinity University, Texas. As a scholar with three books and numerous research papers on East Asian cultural traditions, he has been a visiting professor at Lingnan University (Hong Kong), Rikkyo University (Tokyo), and Tunghai University (Taiwan, where he was a Fulbright Senior Scholar). Nadeau has consulted widely on liberal arts education and curricular design.

The Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan) has sent over 1,600 Taiwan students and scholars to the United States and welcomed over 1,600 American students and scholars to Taiwan over the course of its 60-year history. This year, FSE is sponsoring over 200 grantees, including students, scholars, Foreign Language Teaching Assistants (in the United States), and English Teaching Assistants (in Taiwan). Worldwide, Fulbright provides support to students and scholars in over 150 countries.

Trends in US–Taiwan Higher Education

In this presentation, Nadeau will describe latest trends in higher education at the doctoral level in the United States, in Taiwan, and in bilateral relations between the two education systems. In earlier generations, the United States was the preferred destination for Taiwan students seeking a Ph.D. degree, but numbers have fallen for a variety of reasons: tuition costs rising faster than the rate of inflation, a more competitive international marketplace, perceptions of an unwelcoming social and cultural environment, downward demographic trends, and de-incentivization of higher education degrees at home in Taiwan. At the same time, in recent years U.S. undergraduate enrollments from Taiwan have risen, and short-term study in Taiwan and the United States is becoming more popular.

A healthy education economy requires the circulation of educational talent: a healthy flow of undergraduate students to graduate school, and from graduate school to professorships as vacancies become available due to retirement and natural attrition. In Taiwan, this healthy flow has been disrupted as demographic and economic trends lead to the merging or closing of institutions of higher education, fewer openings for scholars and professors, falling population numbers of students in the graduate student cohort, and tightening higher education budgets.

What are the solutions? Taiwan should capitalize on its superb higher education facilities to attract students at the graduate level from Southeast Asia, China, Europe, and North America. In order to do so, doctoral programs must internationalize by offering both M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in English and responding to global higher education trends. Taiwan can still maintain its rightful place as both a source and a destination for doctoral degrees, and restore the healthy flow of talent circulation at elite educational levels.


那原道於 2019 年 8 月起出任學術交流基金會執行長,此前那原道已有 25 年時間於德州三一大學(Trinity University)擔任系所教職與課程規劃主持人。那原道曾發表三本有關東亞文化傳統的著作和多篇研究論文,其客座教授經歷包括香港嶺南大學、東京立教大學及台灣東海大學(在台期間亦擔任傅爾布萊特學術交流基金會資深學者)。那原道曾就通識教育與課程設計,廣泛徵詢意見。

學術交流基金會(台灣傅爾布萊特)創辦 60 年來,已協助超過 1,600 名台灣學生與學者赴美進修,並邀請超過 1,600 名美國學生與學者來台研習。今年度有 200 多名人士接受該基金會贊助,其中包括學生、學者、外語教學助理(台灣教師赴美)、英語教學助理(美籍人士來台)。基金會在全球 150 餘國為學生與學者提供支援。







國立臺灣大學 李百祺研發長



國立交通大學 李大嵩研發長



國立臺灣師範大學 陳昭珍教務長


國立臺灣大學 詹魁元副教務長


國立臺灣師範大學 陳昭珍教務長


中國文化大學 方元沂教務長