Julio Deride

I am currently working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics of the Universidad Federico Santa María.   Previously, I held a postdoctoral position  at Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, and  I got my Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of California, Davis (2017). My academic interests lie in the interface of  Stochastic Programming and Variational Analysis. I have worked on the development of approximation techniques for solving Stochastic General Equilibrium problems, and their numerical implementations. Additionally, I have collaborated with research groups on Renewal Energies, working on the mathematical modeling of probability distribution of forecast errors for Solar and Wind power generation. Finally, I have been interested in the study of Duality Theory for Stochastic Programming problems, and its connection with approximation techniques.


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Teaching Assistant


Master in Sciences

Mathematical Engineering

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"...Yo creo que desde muy pequeño mi desdicha y mi dicha al mismo tiempo fue el no aceptar las cosas como dadas. A mí no me bastaba con que me dijeran que eso era una mesa, o que la palabra ”madre” era la palabra ”madre” y ahí se acaba todo. Al contrario, en el objeto mesa y en la palabra madre empezaba para mí un itinerario misterioso que a veces llegaba a franquear y en el que a veces me estrellaba...."

—Julio Cortázar