Cconnect Pics

Connect Pics is our a game and will be logged into Apple's app store. I knows the importance of personal information to you and will do its utmost to protect your personal information. We are committed to maintaining your trust in us and to abide by the following principles to protect your personal information.

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Connect Pics Matching Puzzle is a new matching and connecting game that will keep you alert! It's easy to learn and fun to play, just place two matching bricks next to each other or at the corner, You can connect up to 3 lines!

Search for interesting image mixtures, find a pair of matching images, and then find the connection path between the tiles in 3 lines or less. When all tiles disappear, you will win the game and unlock more skins!

Power-up description: Did we mention that you have to think fast because you're racing the clock?

- Use the spyglass to highlight a matching pair to get you through a pinch.

- When using random items, reduce the difficulty and quickly pass the level.