Coming to America

Ellis Island


  • Use your reference sheet or piece of paper to write notes or record lock codes.

  • Work together with your teammates to find the correct solution.

  • Remember we are learning! It's not a race, so take your time, watch the videos all the way through, and enjoy learning about the immigration process through Ellis Island.

    1. The goal of the game is to answer all of the clues. You will need to open the locks page to enter the lock codes. You must answer the locks/questions in numerical order.

    2. All answers to the locks are required. You will need to solve the clue correctly before it will take you to the next lock.

    3. You will be working on each lock together.

    4. DO NOT use your smartphone or other device to solve clues separately from your group!

You will leave this screen open as you go through the challenge.

Click on the picture below to get started and once you are inside, click the star!