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Bitdefender antivirus software secures your files and folders from different types of malware and viruses. It blocks unprotected content, and it will also check the entire network, whether it is incoming or outgoing. It is a trustworthy antivirus and protects all your personal details which are saved on your web browser. You can download, install, and activate the Bitdefender antivirus by going to its official page, which is bitdefender.com/activate.

The Bitdefender antivirus offers real-time protection from malicious software, protection of your default browser, web security, etc. You can simply log in to the Bitdefender account by using the system or smartphone, and that should be connected to the Wi-Fi network. Once you have downloaded, installed and activate the Bitdefender antivirus on your computer, then you can easily use the latest feature.

How to uninstall Bitdefender?

  1. Visit central.bitdefender.com.

  2. Or, launch the Start option.

  3. Find the Control panel option.

  4. Choose the Add option.

  5. Otherwise, click Remove Programs option.

  6. You have to remove the Bitdefender outdated version that is installed the antivirus.

  7. The menu list of the installed programs displays on the desktop.

  8. By going to the menu list, the Bitdefender older version will display on the screen.

  9. Right-click on the Bitdefender software for uninstalling it from the system.

How to download Bitdefender?

  1. Go to the Bitdefender site www.central.bitdefender.com.

  2. Log in to the account on Bitdefender antivirus which you have registered to the Bitdefender.

  3. Make a new Bitdefender account if you do not have one.

  4. To complete this process, enter the email address, password, first or last name, date of birth, and many other details.

  5. Log in to an account on Bitdefender in case you already a member.

  6. Go through the Bitdefender download procedure on the system.

  7. Check the guidelines given on the download menu.

  8. Press on the Agree option.

  9. You have to complete the download procedure successfully.

  1. Click twice on the downloaded file of Bitdefender.

  2. The installation procedure of the Bitdefender antivirus will begin on the system automatically.

  3. After that, press on the Next option.

  4. Go through the specification given on the installation wizard of Bitdefender antivirus.

  5. Complete the installation process of Bitdefender software completely.

How to activate Bitdefender online?

All-In-One Security For Your Devices

  1. Click on the website URL, which is bitdefender.com/activate.

  2. Press on the email which you want to get on your registered Bitdefender account.

  3. Type the Bitdefender product key by finding it on the cover of the CD cover.

  4. Double click on the installed setup of the Bitdefender product.

  5. Click on the Activate check box.

  6. Then, enter the 20-digit alphanumeric Bitdefender activation code.

  7. Once you have typed the activation code, you have successfully activated the Bitdefender antivirus.

How to activate Bitdefender offline?

  1. Find the Bitdefender antivirus that you need to install on your computer.

  2. Or, go to www.bitdefender.com/activate.

  3. Go through the CD envelope of the Bitdefender product.

  4. Type the activation code by finding it on the cover of the Bitdefender antivirus.

  5. Double-click on the installer file of the Bitdefender antivirus.

  6. Click on the Activate check box.

  7. Then, enter the 20-digit alphanumeric activation code.

  8. Once you have typed the activation code, you need to activate the Bitdefender antivirus.

  9. Click on the Submit option.

  10. Confirm the Bitdefender product.