Stories Preceding Stories

This is a Portfolio Project for MLLL 3043-995 at the University of Oklahoma, Spring 2020

This Portfolio project for MLLL3043-995 is geared toward readers who have a base level of knowledge about the following stories:

Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H.J. Ford (1898): Specifically, Scheherazade

Egyptian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie (1907): Specifically, Osiris

In the following stories, you will find adaptations that either preface the actual stories, or include more details in the beginning of the stories. I've taken this approach because this is always where I want to know more as a reader. I'm always curious about why characters made certain choices or how they came to certain conclusions. I want to know more about their inner dialogues. So here, I try to give my readers an insight into those things!