spirituality is the science of the subtlest---Veda

let the noble thoughts come to us from every side---Rig Veda

कर्म प्रधान विश्व रचि राखा जो जस करहि सो तस फल चाखा---गोस्वामी तुलसीदास

जगत निरपेक्ष नहीं है। देश, काल, परिस्थिति और आवश्यकता को देखते हुए हर विषय को ‘क्यों’ और ‘कैसे’ की कसौटी पर अवश्य कसा (परखा) जाना चाहिए।

The world is not absolute. Each case and every subject therefore must always be assayed with ‘why’ and ‘how’ against place, time, setup (context) and the objective.

you are your thoughts, be absolute do good

tides rise and fall, balance is life

current slopes down, descend to get ahead

there is trade around, avoid being kind

everything is connected, connect to expand

nothing is free, invest to grow

- @sutosh -

probability is a reminder of our ignorance. quantum physics describes a physical system statistically [we talk of expectation values of physical observables] and hence is intrinsically approximate. a true theory of nature cannot tolerate randomness or uncertainty. however, as it is beyond the capacity of any human or even the most powerful supercomputers, including the divinatory quantum computer, to register a record of all the events in this universe, quantum mechanics remains an elusive theory of nature, though there is always a scope of improvement.

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Philosophy is too precious a thing to be left to philosophers alone--John A. Wheeler.


A theoretical researcher in Quantum Information Science and Foundations of (Quantum) Physics.


email: asutoshk.phys@gmail.com

skype: asutoshk15