Art Work by Max

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Max's story:


 I love my hometown, and when I was 10 I started drawing the landmark images that make Hingham home to me.  In 2019, I started painting landscape and animal pieces. I was inspired to draw/paint by a dear family friend, Diana Coyle.  Mrs. Coyle used to make beach calendars of her summer home in Marshfield MA.  I loved Mrs. Coyle like a grandmother and sadly she passed away from brain cancer in 2016.  

I wanted to honor her by painting and drawing beautiful images and turning them into calendars and notecards like she did. I have been fortunate enough to sell my stationary around Hingham at many retailers, and from the money I made I have been able to make a donation towards cancer research in Mrs. Coyle’s name every year.  

Still wanting to do more good with my art;

You see I feel as though my artwork has allowed me to make a small difference in the world…it has allowed me to connect with people all over the country and the world.  I am only 16 years old, but I am eternally grateful for the opportunities I have been given through art.

It brings me joy to think people smile when they see my art , I have been told that in this “world of electronics” people love how unexpected it is to receive a personal hand written note card….maybe I am helping to reconnect people in some small way.