AOL Mail Login Help

America Online (AOL) is arguably the most widely used email service in the States. For those who have been using the internet since the 90s would surely have an AOL email account at some point because it was the only email service at one point, and if one has to send emails, then AOL email was the only choice. As time progressed, many new and free email providers sprouted in the market, but AOL still holding onto its position firmly, having millions of users.

The reason why AOL still rules the hearts of the users is that they like to hear ‘You’ve Got Mail’ whenever they receive a new email. There are still many who don’t know about AOL or haven’t used the service so far.

Creating a new AOL account is a pretty straightforward process and doesn’t take too much time as well.

How to create a free AOLmaillogin Account?

1. The process starts with going to the AOL homepage, i.e., on your computer or smartphone web browser.

2. As the homepage opens, click the ‘Join/Login’ option, which you can find in the left sidebar menu.

3. As you click that button, a new screen will show up where you will have to enter a username and password, which are irrelevant at this point, as you don’t have an account.

4. So, you will click the button that says, ‘Create an account’. As you click on that button, you will be taken to the sign-up page where you will enter information about yourself such as, your name, AOL email address that you’d like to have, and finally, the password. You will also be asked to mention your phone number, so make sure to enter a valid and working phone number or else you will get an error message.

5. Click ‘Submit’ and that’s it, your AOL email has been setup.

How to login to your AOL Login Mail Account?

Now that you have created an account on AOL Email, it’s time that you log into that account to see if it is working properly or not. For that, here are the steps that you need to follow:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or a smart device and go to the AOL mail login site, i.e.,’ followed by clicking the ‘Login/Join’ button.

2. Type in your AOL username and password. In AOL, the username is referred to as ‘Screen Name’, so if you don’t know what my AOL mail login screen name is, then it is it the first half of your email. For example, if someone’s email is, then his screen name would be ‘richardmorren212’. Or, if you have chosen your username to be the full email address or phone number, then that is what you will have to enter in the ‘Username’ field.

3. After entering the username, you will have to enter the password for your email, and then, you are all set to login to your email.

Forgot My AOL Mail Login Details

If you are trying to login to your AOL email, but couldn’t do so because you can’t remember your username and/or password, then you can easily recover those details. Want to know, follow these steps:

1. If you have forgotten the username, then click ‘Forget Username’ in case, you have forgotten the username. If you have forgotten the password, then click the ‘Forgot Password’ button and choose one of the options that you see on the screen to reset it.

2. You will be asked to enter your phone number of an alternate email, so whichever method you think is the easiest for you, select it and recover your AOL email password.

3. You will be prompted to enter a verification code that you received in your phone or email. After entering the code, click ‘Continue’ followed by ‘Sign in’.

That sums up the process of recovering AOL email username and/or password. For any other problem related to AOL email, consult experts because they can offer you the best assistance regarding this user-friendly yet slightly complex email account.