Ana Sofia Nunes
@ Brookhaven National Laboratory

Since February 2019 I am a Research Associate in High Energy Nuclear and Particle Physics at the Physics Department of the Brookhaven National Laboratory. I am working on the polarimetry of helium-3 beams for the future Electron-Ion Collider. I am also a member of the STAR Collaboration.

Presentations at conferences and workshops:

Other presentations:

  • BNL/EIC Working Group Weekly Meeting, "Simulations of hadron polarimetry: impact of second layer of silicon detectors" (September 27, 2021): slides.

  • EICUG Polarimetry Working Group Monthly Meeting, "Simulation of pp interactions at the HJet polarimeter at RHIC" (September 1, 2021; virtual): slides.

  • EICUG Polarimetry Working Group Monthly Meeting, "Simulation of pp interactions at the HJet polarimeter at RHIC" (May 5, 2021; virtual): slides.

  • BNL/EIC Polarimetry Monthly Meeting, "Status of simulations for EIC hadron polarimetry" (April 1, 2020; virtual): slides.

  • BNL/EIC Working Group Weekly Meeting, "Status of simulations for EIC hadron polarimetry" (March 26, 2020): slides.

  • Inaugural Meeting of Electron-Collider Yellow Report Ancillary Working Group, "Hadron polarimetry for EIC" (February 4, 2020): slides.

  • Ad-hoc meeting at BNL's Collider and Accelerator Department, "Longitudinal bunch profiles in 2017 pp beams as seen by RHIC pC polarimeters" (June 19, 2019), slides.

  • BNL seminar, "Recent results from COMPASS@CERN" (April 16, 2019), slides.

Publications: list at Inspire. | My previous webpages: at CERN and LIP. | Last update: October 4, 2021.