Albert gragera


I am a postdoc (Maria Zambrano fellow) at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB); Department of Applied Economics.

My research field is urban economics. I focus on transport policy evaluation, the relationships between transportation and land use, and the role of cars in cities; with a special interest in how parking policy interplays with all that.

My research has been published in research journals in the fields of Transport Economics. I have consulted for public and private institutions and participated in research and innovation projects both at the national and international levels.

I hold a Ph.D. and MSc in Economics, both from the University of Barcelona; and a BSc and MSc in Civil Engineering by UPC-BarcelonaTECH. Before joining UAB, I also did research at DTU, OAP-UB and CENIT-UPC.

I am married and father of two. I look a lot like the guy in the picture, even though I now rock a beard to survive the bike ride to work during Danish winter.


Facultat d'Economia i Empresa

Av. de l'Eix Central, Edifici B3 Despatx 116,

08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès