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What is AJA?

Animal Justice Advocates at the University of Virginia is an organization that upholds students as valued participants in our education, committed to “leading lives of honor." The UVa Honor Committee frames our honor code as one that “calls us to be honorable to each other not merely by not committing transgressions, but also by doing reverence to the other in our midst.” The Education Without Violence campaign takes this commitment to revere “the other in our midst” seriously as we challenge our university not only to divest from violence against animals, but also to become a leader in progressive and compassionate education. Moving forward with great hope in the university, we are nonetheless mindful of the university’s history of oppression, and while committed to and focused on issues specific to animals, we aim to promote an understanding of the intersections of systems of oppression affecting animals, humans, and the environment. At a university founded on the principle of student governance, it is our responsibility as students to insist that the pursuit of knowledge be rooted in compassion; the alternative is a university grounded in oppression.

As advocates for animal justice, we challenge our University to:

  1. End animal dissection and experimentation at UVa and transition to readily available alternatives for animal subjects.

  2. Cease the use of animals as a form of entertainment on Grounds.

  3. Provide more opportunities for students to learn about animals and animal justice in course curriculum.

  4. Ensure that materials used for educational or custodial purposes are not tested on animals and do not cause harm to them in any way.

  5. Eliminate the purchase and consumption of animal products in university dining halls and restaurants.

  6. Embrace the non-violent pursuit of knowledge.

  7. Recognize and evolve with UVa members’ philosophical, moral, and ethical beliefs in regards to animal lives.

  8. Lead, fund, and support activities that promote the well-being of all animals.

  9. Take responsibility for its current participation in the exploitation of animals.