
About me

Current Position

CV summary (Feb 2023)

Educated at HPC&A group at Universitat Jaume I (UJI) under the supervision of Prof. Rafael Mayo, I defended my Ph.D. Thesis in 2018. This stage of my scientific career was supported by the FPI fellowship from the Generalitat Valenciana (Val I+D) program. This work was a joint collaboration with the PMRS group led by Dr. Pavan Balaji at Argonne National Laboratory, and the AccelCom for HPC Team led by Dr. Antonio Peña at the BSC where I performed internships in 2015 and 2017, respectively. The internship at ANL was funded by the USA Department of Energy and the internship at BSC was supported by the H2020 EuroLab-4-HPC cross-site collaboration program.

Since 2019, I continue my scientific career as a postdoctoral researcher funded by the Juan de la Cierva-Formación 2019 program at the GAP group at UPV. Currently, I have built and lead a small research team that develops different research lines related to deep learning and applications that show a progression with respect to the work conducted in my Ph.D. My work has been disseminated in 18 publications in international journals indexed with JCR-WOS impact factors Q1(x4) and Q2(x13); and 22 peer-reviewed research papers in international conferences indexed the GII-GRIN-SCIE index. Google Scholar reports 362 citations to my work, and H and i10 indexes of 10 and 11, respectively. Following the Open Science principles, 8 JCR are published under an open-access policy.

The active collaborations resulted in the participation in 2 R&D projects (USA), 5 National projects, 5 European H2020 projects, and 3 industry projects. Moreover, the international contacts resulted in the participation in the program committees of international conferences such as AsHES (also organization committee), EuroMPI, SBAC-PAD, and CLUSTER. I have acted as reviewer for international journals such as The Journal of Supercomputing, IEEE Access, Parallel Computing, IEEE Micro and committee member in two issues of IEEE TPDS for AI, ML, and DL. I have also participated as a project reviewer for the Croatian Science Foundation in 2020.
