7.0 Learning Outcomes

This self-study includes direct/indirect measures for the 7.0 series standards, including example syllabi, assignments, instructor feedback, etc. from Fall 2017 and Spring 2018. Past annual COAPRT reports can be viewed here.

The conceptual framework for the assessment plan used by the Department to measure how well our program meets the 7.0 series standards for COAPRT accreditation is provided in the documents below for both Recreation Management and Recreation Therapy. On top of each page of the table is the COAPRT 7.0 Series Standard addressed in whole or in part on that page. The Course Specific Learning Outcome is specified in the far left column. Each Course Specific Learning Outcome is reflected in the course objectives listed on the course syllabi, however, these objectives may collectively address the overall outcome rather than quote the specific wording of the Course Specific Learning Outcome.

Evidence of Substandard .01, that students are provided with sufficient opportunity to achieve this learning outcome, is provided by identifying the course or courses where each standard is addressed and by providing a link to a folder containing the course syllabus and related course materials.

Evidence of Substandard .02, that quality assessment measures were used to assess learning outcomes associated with this standard, is provided by identifying the assessment measure used and providing a link to either a file containing a detailed description of the assignment and assignment grade rubric or a sample of exam questions used as the assessment measure.

Evidence of Substandard .03, that results of its assessment program indicate that graduates of the program are achieving this Learning Outcome, is provided by presenting results of this assessment over the past year.

Evidence of Substandard .04, that the program uses data from assessment of Learning Outcome 7.01 for continuous program improvement, is provided by describing recent changes based on assessment results.
