
31 March'20

Hi Parents/Guardians and Students,

I hope you are keeping healthy and safe. Our education minister announced that schools will be closed till 3 May, so our focus will be e-learning. During this time, if you have any questions regarding any assignment please send me e-mail - renuka.mall@tdsb.on ca. Before March break, science students were learning about `Pure substances and Mixtures' and ESL students were working on their ESL folder. Please follow the following:

Grade - 7 Science

Students will work on their `Separating System' project and if completed, can send me a video clip of the demonstration. If any student is not able to build this system due to lack of materials, they can draw a picture of their model. You will also be required to write a paragraph explaining how you are separating your mixture ( 4 different ingredients excluding water ) by 4 different methods ( for example: Magnetism, Filtration, Sorting, Sifting, Evaporation, etc. ). If you're sending me a video clip, you are not required to write a paragraph. Please consult your hand-out that was given to you before March Break to do this project. You can also consult p.227 to 231 ( 8.3 `Separating solutions and Mechanical Mixtures ) of Pearson - Investigating Science and Technology book. This book is available on-line. Please send ( through my e-mail ) your completed work as soon as you finish.

ESL Students

Students will continue to work on their folder and do Journal entries.

3 April

Students can access Pearson book on-line by going to science source.ca

Username: hilltop-science

Password: science

Please ensure username: hilltop_science ( Press the top _of your keyboard )

5 April

Students can also watch you Tube - Separation of mixtures - Chem Academy