Howdy! My name is Bret Lockhart, and I am a Lecturer at Texas A&M University.

Contact Information:

Email address: blockhart [AT]

Office: BLOC 352

Research Interest: Mathematics Education

Here is my current full annotated CV.


Here is my current 2 page CV.

Bret_Lockhart_Vita_May_2022 2 Page.pdf

Courses Taught at Texas A&M University

Summer 2022

Math 151 Sections 301-305

Spring 2022

Math 152 Sections 501-518 and Math 142 Section 505

Fall 2021

Math 152 Sections 540-560

Summer 2021

Math 151 Sections 301-302

Spring 2021

Math 151 Sections 501-512

Fall 2020

Math 140 Sections 500, 501, 540