1st QMUL-SUFE Economics Workshop

The Inaugural Queen Mary-SUFE Workshop in Economics

Growth and Development in Uncertain Times

14-15 May 2019

School of Economics and Finance, Queen Mary University of London

The School of Economics and Finance at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and the School of Economics at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) are jointly organising the Inaugural QMUL-SUFE Workshop in Economics on Growth and Development in Uncertain Times. The workshop aims at strengthening academic exchange and encouraging research collaboration between the two institutions. This year, it will bring economists from both institutions together to discuss various aspects of growth and development in the presence of macro and micro-level uncertainties, including topics on trade, public policy, inequality, and political economy.

Workshop venue

The workshop will take place in the conference room GC601, Graduate Centre on the Mile End Campus (Mile End Road, London E1 4NS).

Program (continuously updated):

Tuesday, 14 May

Wednesday, 15 May