Welcome to Xin Han's homepage

picture CV (Family name: Han)

Profile : He received B.E and M.E from Dalian University of Technology China, 1999,2002 respectively.

From Dec 2002 to March 2004, he studied in Protein Institute, Osaka University.

From April 2004 to March 2007, he received his doctoral degree on computer science,

from Graduate School of Information, Kyoto University, Japan.

From May 2007 to Sep. 2008, he worked at The University of Hong Kong as a post-doc.

From Oct. 2008 to Feb, 2010, he worked at department of mathematical Informatics, graduate school of information technology, Univerity of Tokyo as a post-doc too.

From 2010 to 2015, he worked at School of Software of Dalian University of Technology as an associate professor.

From 2016 to now, he is work at the same university as a full professor.

Research: His research interests include Algorithm Design and Analysis, especially,

for on-line and approximational Algorithm(strip packing, bin packing, knapsack, scheduling problems etc).

Contact : hanxin.mail @ gmail.com

papers (in DBLP)


last update: March., 2010
