
Canoeing, Kayaking, Kayak Anglers and Paddle Boarding

The Windsor Essex County Canoe Club (WECCC) is a local not for profit organization, affiliated with ORCKA, Ontario Recreational Canoe and Kayaking Association. We are located on the international border of Windsor Ontario and Detroit Michigan, surrounded by Lake St. Clair, Detroit River and Lake Erie.

We promote fun and safety on the water including providing information and activities for canoeist and kayakers of all kinds…from novices to experienced paddlers.

WECCC organizes mostly local outings and sometimes a camping trips into various parks and rivers. These outings mainly focus on paddling sports, but many members are also interested in other outdoor activities like cross country skiing, hiking, biking,etc.

Benefits of Joining our Club!

· You will get to participate in club sponsored trips and events.

· You will know who is paddling where and when.

· Current members love to share the array of knowledge of paddling experience and expertise.

· We have club sponsored family picnics.

· We also have the Breakfast Club through the winter months, to be able to get to know

one another even before the season starts.

Peche Island, Windsor ON

White Sands Conservation Area, Amherstburg

Downtown Mission Cheque Presentation

Donations from our membership