Warren Postma's Home Page

I'm a Software Developer and I live in British Columbia, Canada.

My Delphi programming blog is called Delphi Code Monkey 


My LinkedIn Profile


Google+ Groups I belong to:

Delphi Developers on Google+

Open Source Stuff:

  github:   https://github.com/wpostma/

  bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/wpostma

  JEDI JCL: https://github.com/project-jedi/jcl 

  JEDI VCL: https://github.com/project-jedi/jvcl

Music site


Contact Email 

  Warren Dot Postma at the usual google mail suffix involving the letter g plus the word mail and the usual dot

  and suffix after that.

Python Scripts for Delphi Developers who also Use Mercurial including a DFM repair tool

I use Python, and Mercurial when developing Delphi applications. Mercurial is my version control system of choice, and it is written in Python. When I need to script common tasks, and have those tasks easily read metadata from Mercurial repositories, Python is a logical choice for these tasks. I have also written some .DFM parsing code in Python which I use to scan and repair problems caused by bad mercurial-driven merges.

The repository is called wppythonscripts for now, but will probably be renamed when I come up with a catchy project title.

Delphi XE/XE2/XE3 SOAP Demos 

I ported the old Delphi SOAP demos from Delphi 7 through Delphi 2010, that disappeared from Delphi XE, up to work at the Delphi XE and XE2 level. They are on CodeCentral here. (Item #28789) They should still work in XE3,XE4,XE5.

Port of the ancient TurboPower B+Tree Filer to Delphi XE

I didn't need this for any reason, but I did this, because I was bored, and because someone asked about it on StackOverflow. It was a real retro-code tour-de-force, since B+Tree Filer was originally a DOS TurboPascal product, and predates Delphi itself. It's here on bitbucket.


You can download various components that I have written for Delphi from their links below.

ExGridView : Virtual Grid control written originally by Roman Mocholov, maintained by warren  on bitbucket.

TComPort:  I did the port from 3.0 (Delphi versions up to 7) to 4.0 (Delphi versions 7,2007,2009,2010 and C++Builder 2007,2009,2010). Latest downloads available on the link given.

JEDI  JCL+JVCL  : I am one of the JEDI JVCL project developers. My contributed components are the TJvCsvDataSet, and the TJvChart, and I have contributed improvements to the JvDocking components, the JvInspector component, and a few others.

   BCRYPT Code from StackOverflow saved to BitBucket for future password encryption needs

   TWebBrowser (TEmbeddedWB from bsalsa.com) ported to Delphi XE4

Modbus Serial and Modbus TCP Components for Delphi :

    I have written some modbus serial components and modbus tcp components, and will try to make them open source after I obtain permission from the other contributors.  If you are interested in this as an open source project, please email me. 

Objective-C and XCode Odds and Ends by Warren Postma

Demo of using a Tab View and a Nav view together.  Tab Views are basically a row of icons on the bottom of your view that let you change between several pages in a user interface, much like the tabs in a web browser. Nav views are views with levels of navigation, you could think of them as being moves to the right (inwards) and left (back, or outwards). I didn't now how to make the two work together and couldn't find an appropriate Apple demo so I built one. I also used it as an opportunity to put something up on Github, for a change. (Normally I use Bitbucket and mercurial)

My iOS stuff on github

github: A minimal update/port of the popular PKRevealController to handle iOS 7 status bar changes.


Last updated November 3, 2020