
Poster Session Overview

WAGS Spring 2010 will host the inaugural WAGS Poster Session. A main goal of the session is to increase the flow of information between participants. Postdocs, undergraduate and graduate students are warmly and strongly encouraged to participate.

Below are registration instructions, a few resources for creating posters and the ongoing list of registrants.

Registration Instructions

To register, send an email to wags.ubc.10@gmail.com with WAGS Poster Session in the subject line, and indicate your name and institution in your email. For more information regarding the poster session, contact Dagan Karp.

To register for WAGS and for general questions regarding WAGS, please see the WAGS homepage.


Resources for designing mathematics (and science) posters:

(1) AWM advice on posters: http://www.awm-math.org/workshops/posters.html

(2) Instructions and Advice from SIAM: http://www.siam.org/meetings/guidelines/poster.php

(3) HMC Math Dept. Creating Good Posters: http://www.math.hmc.edu/computing/support/printing/posters/goodposters/

(4) Colorado State Poster Session Guide: http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/speaking/poster/

Resources for creating posters with latex:

(1) HMC math poster documentclass and instructions: http://www.math.hmc.edu/computing/support/tex/classes/hmcposter/

(2) Assorted existing latex templates:

(a) http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/help/faqs/latex/xfig-poster

(b) http://www.nathanieljohnston.com/index.php/2009/08/latex-poster-template/

(c) http://b0urpc.fnal.gov/~cmircea/poster-howto.html

(d) http://www.phys.ufl.edu/~pjh/posters/poster_howto_UF.html


  • Name, Institution
    • Angelico Cueto, Maria (Berkeley) (Poster)
    • Cartwright, Dustin (Berkeley)
    • Choi Sung, Rak (UC Riverside) (Poster)
    • Erman, Daniel (Berkeley) (Poster)
    • Fusi, Davide (Utah)
    • James, Rodney (CSU)
    • Lai, Ching-Jui (Utah) (Poster)
    • Lo, Jason (Stanford) (Poster)
    • Novoseltsev, Andrey (U of Alberta) (Poster)
    • Patakfalvi, Zsolt (UW) (Poster)
    • Raicu, Claudiu (Berkeley)
    • Ross, Dusty (CSU)
    • Ross, Kiana (UW)
    • Stapledon, Alan (UBC)
    • Tzeng, Yu-jong (Stanford)
    • Urbinati, Stefano (Utah)