
Best Full Paper


An fMRI analysis of the efficacy of Euler diagrams in logical reasoning

Yuri Sato, Sayako Masuda, Yoshiaki Someya, Takeo Tsujii and Shigeru Watanabe

Honorable Mentions:

Natural language and programming: designing effective environments for novices

Judith Good and Katherine Howland

Tutorons: Generating Context-Relevant, On-Demand Explanations and Demonstrations of Online Code

Andrew Head, Codanda Appachu, Marti Hearst and Bjoern Hartmann

Best Short Paper


Extending Scratch: New Pathways into Programming

Sayamindu Dasgupta, Shane Clements, Abdulrahman Y. Idlbi, Chris Willis-Ford and Mitchel Resnick

Best Showpiece


Solving Problems by Drawing Solution Path

Steven L. Tanimoto

Outstanding Reviewer


Alan Blackwell

Most Influential Paper from Roughly 10 Years Ago


Gender: An Important Factor in End-User Programming Environments?

Laura Beckwith and Margaret Burnett (VL/HCC 2004)

Most Influential Paper from Roughly 20 Years Ago


Empirically Evaluating the Use of Animations to Teach Algorithms

Andrea W. Lawrence, Albert M. Badre, and John T. Stasko (VL 1994)