The Live Final: Part 2 - Fourth Place & Third Place Announcement

Josiah: Hello and welcome back to the Live Final of Veggie Brother t4. Earlier on, I announced that Leo came in 5th place; and now I will reveal who will come 4th. I am now going to talk to the house.

Kia: Here we go again.

Josiah: Veggie Brother house, this is Josiah.

All: Hi Josiah!

Josiah: Estelle...

Estelle: Hi again.

Josiah: Helen...

Helen: Heyo.

Josiah: Kia...

Kia: Hi again Josiah!!!

Josiah: and Taylor...

Taylor: Short time, no see.

Josiah: The viewers have been voting for the last 24 hours, and I have the results...

Estelle: Oi.

Taylor: This is so nervewracking.

Josiah: The public has spoken, and I can now reveal that the person finishing in Fourth place; with 17.18% of the vote is...

Helen: It's me.

Estelle: You don't know that.


Kia: (chuckles) I find it funny how the crowd is chanting "Get Kia Out". It's making me think that I'm in Third.

Josiah: Helen!

Estelle: What?

Helen: I told you guys that I knew it.

Kia: Hel, we'll see you in a few minutes.

Josiah: Helen, you have 30 seconds to say your goodbyes. I'm coming to get you!

Taylor: No housemates were harmed in the making of this eviction.

Helen: Haha, very funny.

Kia: Well, this is soo awkward.

Estelle: This is so weird for me. I know that I'm going to come third again.

Veggie Brother: 15 seconds...

Kia: This is too much time waiting...

Veggie Brother: 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Helen, you have been evicted; Please leave the Veggie Brother house.

Estelle, Kia, and Taylor: (all hug Helen) Bye Hel!

Helen: Bye guys. Also, there's no more only original housemates left! For the first time ever, it's an all intruder final 3!!!

Veggie Brother: (to housemates) This is Veggie Brother. Would Housemates please close the front doors immediately.

Josiah: First of all, what was going through your head when Taylor walked through the door?

Leo: Like, what the f*** is my boyfriend doing here in the house? He's supposed to be back in Toronto watching this.

Josiah: I think that you will be excited to see your fellow ex-housemates here.

Leo: Dev!

Devin: Leo! How are ya dude?

Leo: S***ing myself.

Devin: I can see why.

Fernanda T.: Hi Leo.

Leo: Hi Fern, you've gotten a tad bigger.

Fernanda T.: Yeah, it's going to be a boy.

Leo: Aww, congrats.

Fernanda T.: Thanks Leo, now back to your interview.

Josiah: Now Leo, I am going to ask 10 questions. You will have to give an answer for each question. These are simple questions that might be hard to answer. Are you ready?

Leo: Oh heck yes.

Josiah: Question 1: What was the hardest thing about being in the Veggie Brother house?

Leo: Being away from friends; and my phone.

Josiah: Question 2: What did you miss the most in the Veggie Brother house.

Leo: My parents and my siblings.

Josiah: Okay. Question 3: Who was your favourite person?

Leo: Helen and Taylor.

Josiah: Question 4: Who was your least favourite person?

Leo: Fernanda I., the b*tch.

Fernanda I.: I heard that Leo!

Josiah: Question 5: Who had the most annoying habit?

Leo: Bri, with her farting.

Josiah: Question 6: Who was the funniest?

Leo: Kia.

Josiah: Question 7: Who do you think is playing the game?

Leo: Estelle, and Helen.

Josiah: Question 8: What was the best thing about being in the Veggie Brother house?

Leo: Being with 13 strangers, and 2 people I know.

Josiah: Question 9: Who will be out next?

Leo: If it isn't Taylor, I think it would be Estelle.

Josiah: And Question 10: Who do you think will win?

Leo: I think either Helen, Kia, Taylor will win.

Josiah: Thank you Keanu for being a housemate.

Leo: My pleasure.

Josiah: Okay, well; let's eavesdrop on the housemates for a moment.

Josiah: It's Leo!!!

(crowd cheers)

Josiah: Hello Leo.

Leo: Hey Josiah, long time no see.

Estelle: This is so nervewracking.

Taylor: I know.

Kia: I wonder which one out of the four of us got the most votes.

Helen: I don't know, but I think I got the least.

Estelle: Hel, don't you know that Intruders rarely win?

Helen: Good point.

Josiah: We'll be back in a few minutes; you're watching The Live Final of Veggie Brother t4.

The Live Final: Part 3 - Third Place Leaves will be posted shortly. If you want to post anything on Veggie Brother, head on over to our forum thread on by clicking here. Remember, Veggie Brother is Watching You.

<The Live Final: Part 1 - Fifth Place

The Live Final: Part 3 - Third Place Leaves>