Vegetaman's Diablo I v.1.09 Unique Item Lister

This (C#) program will take input of the Diablo.exe file (when upgraded to v.1.09) and pull out the important data for Unique Items (there are 90 in all) and dump it to a text file called "uniques.txt". You can view that file (as a webpage) via a link at the bottom of this page.

Above: The program and it's result.

Version 1.0: Windows Form Application created that will read in Unique Item data and output the item number (1 through 90), item name, and item type (for example, The Butcher's Cleaver is of type "cleaver") to a large multiline textbox.

Version 1.1: Update to v.1.0 which also adds Q-level, # of attributes, gold value of item, as well as listing all the six attributes (noted as "effects"). Output dumps to a text file, since it only needs to be generated once, and the sheer size was crashing the program due to overloading the text box.

Current Issues: Only works for Diablo I version 1.09 (also 1.09.01). It absolutely will not work for any other version of Diablo or Hellfire, due to offsets in the .exe file.

Proposed Features: Will not be getting into Prefix/Item/Suffix territory, as there is a program called LICK that does that. Will probably try to hash out some more of the "effects" data and make it so it makes more sense when it is read out. May try to extend this to get data on Base Items, Spells, Skills, Unique Monsters, Monsters, Quests, and Shrines. But, I feel that LICK will cover this program's territory and more when it is completed.

Special Thanks to this site ( for making it all possible, as well as LennyLen from (and his program LICK, currently in v2 Alpha). Seriously, without these guys, none of this would be possible -> they did all the heavy lifting.

To view the contents of "uniques.txt" (as a web page), please go here: "uniques.txt"

To download the program and try it for yourself (will create the "uniques.txt" file in the same location as the .exe is placed):

Have a suggestion? Drop me a line at: