Norfolk Amateur Radio Club

At a no call to meeting a decision was made to revoke this unanimous motion. Hence VE3KEM nor VE3HJ received anything.

 NARC Minutes         April 11/2018

 Except of meeting

 -VE3HJ also presented a list of equipment located at the repeater site.

 -Andy advised that much of the equipment belonged to VE3KEM Connie and

  himself VE3HJ.

-It was suggested to strike up a committee of VE3RTL Dave   and VE3GCK

Gary to decide which pieces of equipment were needed to keep VE3SME intact.

-After much more discussion and negotiation VE3DYY Gerry

  moved and VE3TLX Terry 2nded that NARC adopt the amount of $3600.00 to

  be paid to VE3KEM Connie Jancik and VE3HJ Andy Jancik by April 11/2019

  whereupon receipt of full payment, all amateur equipment located at the

  Bonnieheath repeater site becomes club property (NARC) as well as

  honourary memberships be granted to VE3HJ Andy and VE3KEM Connie.


-The motion was CARRIED unanimously by those in attendance including:

  VA3TLT Thom, VE3DVC Doug, VE3DYY Gerry, VE3GCK Gary, VE3GDL George, VE3LJI

  Peter, VE3LMA Linda, VE3NYP Gary, VE3RTL Dave, VE3SQR Susie, VE3SU Paul,

  and VE3TLX Terry.

Just so people know the real story.



Copyright 2000, 2018 VE3HJ

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