
Vision & Mission

Create opportunities for tea lovers to relax and social with each other while tasting teas.

By hosting weekly meetings to provide never-repeating teas and board games.


Generally, there will be at least 10 meetings per term.

Weekly meetings every Tuesday from 5-8 p.m. at MC.

We will occasionally host special events.

Smile~ Pictures will be taken during events and posted to our social presences. Please feel free to let us know if you are not feeling comfortable.

Membership Fees

There are two ways you can go about paying

Depending on your availability and what sort of tea you like, you have the freedom to decide which one is the biggest bang for the buck.

These fees go towards helping the club purchase new teas, snacks, board games, and gifts.

Once you pay, you're free to drink and eat as much as you please at each meeting.