Simmer down, now

Post date: Jul 9, 2013 2:11:11 AM

For those who have emailed me with various questions, and are frustrated with the extremely long response time, I apologize. I have been putting DIY on a side-burner lately. Things have been really escalating at work (in a very good way), so I've been spending more of my off-hours beefing up my IT skills. I'm also [trying to] catch up on projects around the house--and failing miserably at that; I barely have time to cut my own grass--a task I don't enjoy in the first place. So I may be a bit quiet on the DIY front for a little while. I will still lurk around the Parts Express message board, as I still very much enjoy keeping up with the boys over there. So that is the best way to find me. Turnaround time on emails is not gonna be good; you were warned.

I have the plans ready for the Speedster TMM; I'm missing a few graphs, but there should be enough info for someone to build a pair, so that should be up soon. Down the road, I have a few super-cool designs I hope to do in the next 6 months or so... but first I have a few important matters to take care of around the house.