
This year's NCCCAF swim meet will take place on 8/11 (Saturday) and at James Logan high school swimming pool again.

We made the champion last year! Let's kick butts again!

So get into the water and start to practice now!

Please tell your friends, your colleages, your parents, your kids and their friends..., recruit as many people as you can for our team.

Our team name remains the same: SVTN (Silicon Valley Tsinghua Network) and SVTN will continue to cover our registration fees this year.

Here is how to register: [[For members only]]

We will see if we can have a few group excercises.

The meet is 2 month away, so please spend some time in the pool each week to get yourself ready.

Let'd do it!


北加州华体会游泳锦标赛将于二〇一二年八月十一日星期六在东湾联合城的 James Logan High School Swimming Pool 举行。在旧金山湾区工作生活的清华校友和亲友们再次组队参赛,在 Qiang 和 Edward 的带领下,各路水中健儿将在赛前进行集体训练(待定、详见训练日历)。

有意向加入的清华校友,亲属和朋友请加入我们的电子邮箱群(Mailing List)
