Troop 174

Yorktown Heights, NY


COVID-19 has affected the troop. However, we are still able to hold meetings under very strict rules. Visit the Official CDC Website about Coronavirus updates. Also, see the Official Scouting COVID-19 FAQ if you have any questions.

Boy Scouts of America

Troop Motto - "Live the Law"

Troop Flyer


Scout Master: Paul Boogaard

ASM: Jay Gussak


Committee Chair: Yvonne Melendez-Cruz

Treasurer: Jinu Easaw

Charter Org. Rep (COR): Blake Halderman

Secretary: Biljana Stojadinovic

Training Coord.: Guillermo Cruz

Membership: Jinu Easaw

Advancement: Kristen Halderman

Parent Coord.: Joanne Erenberg

Chaplain: Jim Rathschmidt

Outdoor Activities: Vacant

Equipment Coord.: Russell Sorrentino

Positions of Responsibility

Senior Patrol Leader (SPL): Jacob E.

Assist. Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL): Russell S., Brandon H.

Patrol Leader: Matt R., Johan E., Anthony P.

Quartermaster: Matt R., Christian S.

Scribe: Jacob S.

Instructor: Jacob E.

Guide: Christian C.

Chaplain Aid: Joshua E.

Librarian: Ryan M.

Historian: Vacant

Web Master: Sasha W.

Outdoor Ethics Guide: Vacant

Den Chief: Vacant

Order of the Arrow Rep.: Vacant

Descriptions of Roles and Responsibilities for Scouts POR

Descriptions of Roles and Responsibilities for Adult Leaders

Grace Lutheran Church (Charter Org)

PhotoAlbums Older Photos

Troop 174 2014 Philmont Montage Video



Volunteer Opportunities

CPR classes from the Yorktown Volunteer Ambulance Corps. $45 fee.

Webmaster: This is an unofficial web page maintained by members of Troop 174 Yorktown representing no one else.Boy Scout Troop 174, Yorktown, NY.Please Note:To make the Webmaster's job easier, some of the content on these web pages is being supplied by Google. To view sign up lists will require that you are logged in with a Google Account.