CalRecycle Trash Talkers is a Toastmasters club for the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) and is open to anyone else who wants to join. Since 1993, Trash Talkers has offered the opportunity to develop your public speaking skills conveniently on the job. Trash Talkers is a unique Toastmasters club. It has evolved to meet the needs of CalRecycle employees and people like them, who spend a great deal of time before a microphone and in front of audiences. Visitors are welcome at anytime, and Trash Talkers is open to the public. Currently, about 10 percent of members are from outside of CalRecycle. It is one of three worksite Toastmasters clubs that meet regularly at Cal/EPA. Whether your public presentations are large or small, Trash Talkers is a fun place and an effective way to make your words really count. Best of all, you'll get results.


Wednesdays, 12:05pm - 1:00pm

Cal/EPA Building

Room 1310

1001 "I" Street

Sacramento, CA 95812

Map and Directions from Google...

Parking Details

Call (916) 341-6592 to confirm the meeting is still scheduled and still in Room 1310. Note: visitors to the CalEPA building will need to enter the main entrance and turn left toward the visitor center to get a visitor pass. A guest escort will escort you up to the meeting room no later than noon.

A club especially for employees of CalRecycle that's open to the public--you!

Our Recycling Motto: From knocking knees to knockout speaker in 10 easy speeches.

No Special Talent Required!

Most people think good speakers are born, but we're here to tell you, they're self-made! Just like any skill, some people may have more gift of the gab than others. But even the most natural speakers need to tune their "instrument" and to find the ways to make their communications the most effective. We can do that for you!

What Makes Trash Talkers Special?

When garbage and recycling are your life's work, a sense of humor comes with the territory. We are busy folks who want the most efficient and relaxed atmosphere for honing our public speaking abilities. This is a supportive, upbeat group of people that help each other grow. A great plus is the ability to test-run your CalRecycle agenda items or work-related speeches, as well as those on totally unrelated topics of personal interest to you--and us!

Drop in Anytime - You're Among Friends...

We love visitors! You are never obligated to join, and we invite you to visit often enough to decide if Trash Talkers is for you on an ongoing basis.

Ever Wonder What We Do ... And What We Talk About?

Our meetings include these basics:

    • Pledge of Allegiance

    • Thought for the Day

    • Joke

    • Prepared speeches

    • Table Topics (impromptu speeches)

    • Constructive evaluation of speeches, meeting

    • Topics span everything imaginable--storytelling, movie reviews, cooking, sports, health, issues, and hobbies.

Where else can you get such a willing and captive audience?

An Educational Program Custom-Made For You...

We provide you with a mentor and encourage your self-set goals, whether they involve basic or advanced speaking certifications, getting involved in many of the contests and local events sponsored by Toastmasters International, or keeping a low profile in our home club and developing your speaking skills at a comfortable pace.

Call us if Trash Talkers is "Calling You!"

(916) 341-6592