Crucified for us

How many of us have taken time and considered the cross? I means seriously considered why Jesus was beaten, bruised and finally nailed to a cross so he can die an agonizing death.. You may think your from a completely different religion and Jesus means nothing to you. You may think you have no religion and Jesus was just a mortal man who live some 2000 years ago in the middle east. If your one of those people, I humbly plead to you to take some time and read through this as it may change your life and ultimately your destiny for the better. But first you must make the choice to read through.

Ancient Israel generally was considered a very holy country and didn't like people taking the Lord's name in vain. Such people were condemned to be beaten and sent on their way.. So did Jesus take the Lords name in vain? Making a mockery out of God (The God of Abraham and Issac) was considered blasphemy during ancient times! A punishable crime, and sometimes deserving death(Lev 24:11)..

To understand more about Jesus on the cross, we need to go back in time and understand the ancient beliefs and culture as to why Jesus died such an agonizing death on the cross for no apparent crime. According to the gospels, the main charge against Jesus was that he claimed to be the king of the Jews. The law also condemn him to death for blaspheming (Taking the Lord name in vain or calling yourself God). The Roman soldiers were mocking this idea when they dressed him in a purple robe and pressed a crown of thorns onto his head. This was also the charge written on the sign at the top of the cross.But the charge was false.

The enemies of Jesus had concocted it by twisting the meaning of the old Jewish prophesies about the coming of the Messiah. According to those prophesies, the Messiah was a great future leader who would appear during a period of extreme desperation and crisis known as the End Times (or Last Days). Assisted by God, he would overthrow all evil oppressors and set up a perfect kingdom on earth, where all the righteous people could live forever in peace and joy. During the years when Jesus was growing up, many people believed that the End Times had already arrived, and that the Messiah would soon appear. This belief was especially strong in Galilee, the region of Palestine where Jesus lived. And the belief grew even stronger when John the Baptist began proclaiming that all the prophesies about the Messiah would soon be fulfilled.

But despite his public silence about this, his teachings and miraculous cures soon began to attract large crowds, and within a short time many people in Galilee were thinking that he might be the Messiah. As a result, when he and his disciples set out for Jerusalem to attend the annual Passover festival, they were accompanied on the trip by a large group of followers. It isn't clear how big this procession eventually became, because other groups of festival-goers may have joined in along the way. But by the time it reached Jericho it was large enough to attract considerable attention, for many people in the city heard that He was coming and gathered along the road to watch Jesus go by.

Each year the Israelites from all over Israel, celebrate the Passover Festival to mark the freedom they received in 1700 BC (When Moses led them out of slavery from Egypt). At this point a lamb sacrifice is offered to cleanse the sins of mankind, a practice that dates back to the fall of Adam. Only through the shedding of blood will there be reconciliation between God and man. Generally this sacrifice would be a Lamb, Ox, Grain or a Goat. Although this was the general practice, God was never pleased at this as this does not purify mans heart from evil anymore than a mirror reflecting a dirty face (No matter how much you clean the mirror, the image never changes). However this was the law of God and the law had to be satisfied, just as a speeding fine must be paid. The time had come for the ultimate fine to be paid, never to be repaid over and over.

A permanent fine that will out ways all fines that were paid during the past, present and future. And that's exactly what Jesus did on the cross of Calvary. He paid the fine that we so richly deserve. If you feel we are not living in any type of sin, perhaps its best to reflect on the 10 Commandments that God gave us and see if we're good enough to go to heaven. Jesus was born as a human so He may reconcile you with God once again, thus breaking the Adamic curse. Thank God for Jesus, for if it weren't for Him, we would still be living in sin without any hope of reconciliation to God; the Creator of Heaven and Earth. There are hundreds of prophesies of Jesus in the old testament revealing the coming of the Messiah (A savior from heaven). But the Messiah people expected was not what God delivered, in fact God gave a lot more - His only Son! The entire world's treacheries was shouldered on one single man, who gladly carried it all simply because He loves you.

The weight of the world sin's were too great and He was crushed, bruised, nailed, beaten, raped and spat on. He eventually died from loss of blood when they nailed him to the cross. But He didn't stay dead. Three days later, He rose from the dead, thereby conquering the grave and the grip of death. His name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth - A man born of an earthly woman and God as His father. After his resurrection He showed Himself to his disciples and gave them this message "Go into all the world and share the Good News, and behold do not be afraid, for I am with you until the end of the age"... He later showed himself to 500 others who later became disciples of the 11 apostles. Fearless and determined, they shared the gospel and was killed for their faith. But those who believed were changed forever. Miracles followed as the good news was being shared all over Israel.. More people gladly died at the hands of roman soldiers because of their faith in Jesus Christ. But knowing they will rise again is no challenge to anyone who knows Christ intimately.