Expedition to Cape Farewell region, Greenland, 1971

University of St Andrews, Greenland Expedition, Cape Farewell, 1971

The expedition members have created a book that combines selected material from the original report along with many previously unpublished images and accounts. New material has also been incorporated to enhance the relevance of the book for current-day visitors to the fascinating Cape Farewell region.

E-book version available - an inexpensive e-book version has also been produced. Two e-book formats are provided. A KF8 file (.mobi), viewable on Kindle devices and reader apps, and an EPUB3 file (.epub), viewable on Android and iPad devices, and also in desktop applications. The .epub version of the e-book has been viewed on a range of PC, Apple and Android equipment using the Adobe Digital Editions e-book reader (v.4.5.1) which can be downloaded (free) here. Best viewed 'double page' (ctrl+shift+t). Other readers will also work.

Some print-version page previews are available here:

(Google 'Blurb discount codes' before buying! Also, select your country location at top right of Blurb page if not in UK)

Print version above link, e-book version below

Our blog is here! http://tasermiuttales.wordpress.com/

The publication of the book is part of a not-for-profit venture in which any income is intended to fund complimentary print versions of the book for organisations that maintain a record of the mountaineering and exploration history of the area