Search-for-Rescue Quadcopter


A disaster strikes. Earthquake, flash floods, tsunamis, tornadoes or avalanches. First response in these situations is crucial to recovery of the situation. The scale of disaster and the extent of damage needs to be assessed quickly and accurately. Spotting survivors is an important task to help determine the rescue effort priorities. In such a situation, access for emergency services can be difficult especially if the new landscape is unknown.


A quadcopter is an ideal instrument in these scenarios. Our quadcopter is kitted with the latest instruments to assess any situation anywhere on the globe. It provides live video stream and is equipped with a high resolution stills camera. A highly directional microphone picks up even the faintest of human speech and cries for help. A high-tech telemetry system allows accurate mapping of the disaster zone. All of this is taken care by an autonomous system on-board requiring minimum human intervention.

Our offer

Our quadcopter is a quick deployment solution offering reliable first response analysis.